1982 - Newspaper - State Probes Atlanta Insurance Firm – [A.L. Williams]

  • 1982-? - Newspaper - State Probes Atlanta Insurance Firm – [A.L. Williams]  ---  [BonkNote]  
    • [Bonk: I Found this on GoogleNews in 2014 – This is all I have and I haven't been able to find it again. I think it’s from 1982 - <WishList?>] 
  • Phil A. Telfer. an associate attorney general, said the firm A.L. Williams may have violated the state's anti-pyramiding law.
  • The company's practices were questioned in an insurance newsletter whose distribution was restricted by the N.C. Insurance Department. Department Officials said the newsletter, The Insurance Forum violated state law by publishing "misrepresentations" of A.L. Williams. 

  • In the April Issue of the newsletter, Belth compared A.L. Williams' marketing activities to a chain letter because the Company depends heavily on recruiting large numbers of sales people, emphasizes "the alleged opportunity for sales representatives to get rich quick" and convinces customers to cancel policies with other companies.

  • The company has refused to answer questions about the allegations beyond complaining that the information in the newsletter is misleading.