1986 - ArtWilliamsBest - Fake News - [VIDEO-YouTube-20:11]

  • 1986 - Consumer Reports Series - June, July, August
    • 1986 06 - Consumer Reports - Life Insurance - p371-402 - 32p
  • 5 - Tax Benefits of Whole Life - Sham
  • A.L. Williams Right Idea, Wrong Execution
    • A.L. Williams = Expensive Term
    • 7 - A.L. Williams Recruits "Greenies" - Gullible - 
  • [  ] - 8:15-11 / 13 - "We worked our butt off for Consumer Reports. We have a policy that I've established at A.L. Williams that we will talk with anybody. We got an open door policy. Our competition can come in here and we give them everything we've got. They can go to an Opportunity Meeting, they can go to Fast Start School, - we don't have Opportunity Meetings anymore, they can go to Training Meetings. We give them everything we got. We got nothing hiding... Nothing under the Table. Everything is above board."
    • "We had Consumer Reports come in here even though they work with Joseph Belth as a consultant  - Public Enemy #1."
    • 09:37-10:07 - "I tell every reporter that questions me about __?__. Listen you can go and write about whatever you want and it won't make a flying stink. We gonna win with or without you.  You gonna say whatever you gotta say and we will overcome anything. If I thought some article like this, from some half-butted outfit like this could write something bad about A.L. Williams and destroy this company, I'd sell my stock and I'd hit the door right now today. You understand that?  If we are right none of this stuff is going to matter."
      • 10 - "I could not break through with Consumer Reports. Every Bad Article that has ever been written about A.L. Williams  it's written by people that have never come down here -They listen to the competition.  Every Reporter that's every come down here and sits down with us - we always turn their attitude around. And it works.  We get about a 75% good article"
      • 10:30 - "But we couldn't break through with Consumer Reports and I couldn't put my hand on why."
        • "Well, we found out why. Write this name down now. Look on the first page now ... you see Executive Editor - John R. Dorfman. We found out that he is helping this reporter that they sent down here to write this article. We found out that he was Joseph Belth's Number One Assistant Editor for the three years."  --   So underhanded
      • 11 - Letter - Barbara King (A.L. Williams) to Trudy Lieberman (Consumer Reports)
  • 13 - Consumer Reports - Pansy Organization
  • 14 - Got em by the Balls - 
  • 15 - Replacing Cash Value
  • 15:15 - Motivation - 
  • 16 - Kill 'em at the Kitchen Table