2008 Financial Crisis - Books

  • 2009 - Book - Fool's Gold, by Gilliam Tett
    • JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon, Credit Derivatives, Shadow Banking, Housing
  • 2009 - Book - House of Cards, by William Cohan
    • Bear Stearns
  • 2009 - Book - Too Big to Fail, by Andrew Ross Sorkin
    • Kindle - Notes
    • Texas Insurance Commissioner, Jamie Dimon (AIG Securities Lending), Dinallo, Hank Paulson (International System, Insurance), Paulson's Idea or Geithner.
    • (p228) - Willumstad, Dimon, Downgrades, Collateral Calls, Most of AIG's Cash in Insurance Companies

  • 2010 - Book - A Colossal Failure of Common Sense, by Lawrence G. McDonald
    • Lehman Brothers
  • 2010 - Book - All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis, by Bethany McLean
  • 2010 - Book - On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System, by Henry M. Paulson
  • 2010 - Book - The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, by Michael Lewis
  • 2011 - Book - Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporate Suicide, by Roddy Boyd
  • 2011 - Book - Griftopia, by Matt Taibbi - [BonkNote]
    • AIG, Win Neuger, Securities Lending, Eric Dinallo, Doug Slape
  • 2013 - Book - The AIG Story, by Hank Greenberg
  • 2014 - Book - Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises, by Tim Geithner
  • 2015 - Book - The Courage to Act: A Memoir of a Crisis and Its Aftermath, by Ben S. Bernanke
    • Brookings - frequently used sources for The Courage to Act, with links; see also A Note on Sources and Selected Bibliography in the printed book - 56p
  • 2016 - Book - Good for the Money: My Fight to Pay Back America, By Bob Benmosche
    • Jim Millstein, Sarah Dahlgren

  • 2020 - Book - Confidence Game: How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Street's Bluff, by Christine S. Richard
    • MBIA