Illustrations – Snippets 1982-1, ACLI (American Council of Life Insurers) – NAIC Proceedings The American Council of Life Insurance (ACLI) presented a paper on cost disclosure for universal life products..,..Further, the policy summary should include a statement on the point at which the policy will expire based on the policy guarantees and the anticipated premiums shown in…

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FTC – Federal Trade Commission Life Insurance MLM – Multi-Level Marketing / Pyramid Schemes Michael P. Lynch Michael Pertschuk Robert J. Mackay  1919 – FTC – Report – Protecting the Public by Informing the Investor Betterment of Life Insurance Service, Federal Trade Commission – 10p  – FTC- FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS FINDINGS, OPINIONS,…

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Universal Life Task Force 1. In the Plenary Session, the Executive Committee report was adopted subiect to the following amendments to the report of the Life Insurance (A) Committee: The (A) Committee unanimously adopted the report and the recommendations of the Universal Life Insurance (AS) Task Force. 1983-1, NAIC Proc. 1983-4, NAIC Proc. (81) (A)…

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Product Development Task Force – (A) – NAIC Consumer Disclosure Issues Working Group of the Product Development (A) Task Force – NAIC Focus Groups FIRST: 1989-4 NAIC Proc. 673 / LAST: 1991-4 NAIC Proc. 604 1988-2 NAIC Proc. – Name Changed – John Montgomery (CA) suggested a change in the name … Changed name from…

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Life Insurance Disclosure / Solicitation Model Regulation 1970’s Life Insurance (C3) Subcommittee, 1975-2 NAIC Proc. Life Insurance (C3) Subcommittee, 1976-2 NAIC Proc.  EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RESUMED; Statement of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Submitted to the Senate Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance By Herbert W. Anderson,Insurance, 1978-4 NAIC Proc.  EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RESUMED; NAIC…

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Life Cost Disclosure Task Force – (A) – NAIC LIFE INSURANCE (A) COMMITTEE – (A) Task Force – Life Cost Disclosure (RECEIVED) 1. Received a summary of several possible amendments to the Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation and Buyer’s Guide. 2. Heard recommendations and reports from departments, consumer groups and industry concerning the regulation of universal…

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IULSG – IUL Illustration Subgroup – (A) – NAIC 2019 0312 – IULSG – IUL Illustration Subgroup – (A) – NAIC  —  [BonkNote] 17. Discussed the ACLI and Coalition Group Proposals for an Actuarial Guideline for IUL Illustrations Mr. Birdsall shared the results of the Kansas Insurance Department survey (Attachment Twenty-Five) on IUL policies Mr.…

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