Policy Overview / Policy Summary / Cover page / Narrative Summary Policy Overview Ideas [George Coleman]… said that the NAIC had formed a resource group last November to assist and recommend changes. The resource group recommended a cover page to the illustration to include essential information about the illustrated policy.  —   George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI,…

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Illustrations – History In the use of these illustrations, agents must carefully discriminate between what is guaranteed in the policy, and what is only a possibility…  (p42 of 240) 1896 – Ratebook – Premium Rates, Guarantees and Illustrations of Policies – New York Life Insurance Company – 240p Senator Metzenbaum Prudential Multi-State Task Force Report…

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Illustrations – Documents – NAIC 1990-1A – NAIC / LIMRA Consumer Testing – Universal Life Disclosure Form – 10p 1993-1 NAIC Summary of NAIC Activity, Life Insurance Disclosure  Illustrations, ATTACHMENT ONE-A – 2 Statement of National Association of Life Underwriters – 257 Statement of the American Academy of Actuaries Task Force on Life Insurance Illustrations -…

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Papers ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A Academic – Papers Back to top J JIR – Journal of Insurance Regulation – NAIC Back to top L Law Reviews Back to top S Sutherland – Papers Systemic Risk – Papers Back to top # 2004 – LR – PSLRA, SLUSA, and Defrauded Retirement Investors: Overlooked Side Effects of a Potent…

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Playground Systemic Risk Worldview Worldview – Searches Worldview – SB SB – Explain Academic-SB Actuarial-SB Law-SB NAIC-SB Extend (the Sentence) sb-policy-performance-variability-ul-description Snippets-SB NAIC Working Groups – Snippets naic-conference-calls/ NAIC Working Group Posts-SB Projects https://www.bonknote.com/find/ https://www.bonknote.com/sb-requests/ https://www.bonknote.com/to-do/ https://www.bonknote.com/sb-resources/ https://www.bonknote.com/nowthen/ https://www.bonknote.com/424-message/ “…and, above all, with the recognition that many advances, in scientific and other scholarly pursuits, have often been…

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Peter Katt “Life insurance,” he says, “is a legally regulated criminal enterprise.” [Bonk: he = Peter Katt] 1996 0714 – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel – Insurer’s Churning Detailed, Douglas Armstrong – <WishList> List of Articles Published by Katt & Company – No Links on Page – 3p aaii.com/authors/show/peter-katt 1993 Katt V Insurance Bureau and Commissioner of…

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Old Books 1800s 1838 – Book – An Essay on Probabilities, by Augustus De Morgan – [PDF-370p-archive.org] 1859 – Book – Introduction to the National Arithmetic: On the Inductive System Combining the Analytic and Synthetic Methods in which the Principles of the Science are Fully Explained and Illustrated, Greenleaf 1850 – Book – Practical Remarks on…

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818c – IRC – Internal Revenue Code We conclude that resolution of all of these issues will have a considerable impact on Universal Life product profitability, with the 818(c)2 deduction having the most critical financial impact. What about all of our traditional products? —   William R. Britton, Jr. 1983 – SOA – Individual Life Insurance, Society…

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BINDERS Selections NAIC – Selections ACADEMICS ACTUARIAL GOVERNMENT (Federal) GOVERNMENT (State) INDUSTRY LAW MEDIA NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) <<Click for More>>   1970s 1980s 1990s 1970s 1970’s Index BINDER 1970-1 |  1970-2B  |  1971-1  |  1971-2  | 1972-1  |  1972-2  |  1973-1  |  1973-2  |  1974-1  |  1974-2  | 1975-1 |  1975-2  |…

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NAIC – Selections 2010s 2017 0719 – LIBGWG – Consumer Reps letter to Mary Mealer, Chair Life Insurance Buyer’s Guide Working Group *NAIC),  From: Brenda Cude, Karroll Kitt, Birny Birnbaum – 6p 1970s Life Insurance Committee 1970’s Index BINDER 1970-1 |  1970-2B  |  1971-1  |  1971-2  | 1972-1  |  1972-2  |  1973-1  |  1973-2  | …

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