or As a result of the declining interest rates during the first ten years, the amount accumulated in the deposit fund after ten years is less than anticipated when the contract was issued, and less than necessary to keep the contract in force for the long term if the original “target premium” assumptions were continued.…

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The Hidden Factor Interestingness requires the proper connections and interactions among diverse parts.  (p8)  The Hidden Factor: Why Thinking Differently Is Your Greatest Asset, By: Scott E. Page, The Great Courses – PDF-186p When we don’t see diversity producing benefits…. then we should go looking for a cause..  Now that cause is all too often stems from…

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1989-1 4a Special Plans – Universal Life – Review Regulators Problems with Model Adopted (Product Development Task Force) (On hold) Universal Life The advent of universal life brought with it many nonforfeiture concerns. Unlike adjustable life, where a current plan is defined, but is subject to change, a universal life policy at any time has…

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Dynamic or Not? “…completely Dynamic services and policy opportunities for their customers to purchase and to elect a variety of options.” 2019/11/09- Life Insurance Illustrations Issues Working Group – Michael Lovendusky, ACLI “They <Universal Life Policy> merely afford purchasers greater flexibility in designing their contracts so as to meet their individual needs.”  STATEMENT OF THE…

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Fiduciary Advice Incidental Advice DOL – Fiduciary Rule – Department of Labor  Fiduciary Duty Relationship (p54) – 1:34-1:41 – Eric DINALLO, Superintendent, New York State Insurance Department – Well, I think it’s important for everyone to know there’s a very strong tension between policyholders’ interest and shareholders’ interest in a publicly traded company. The board and management…

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1989-2 5. Report of the Financial Services and Insurance Regulation (EX) Task Force Commissioner William Hager (Iowa) presented the report noting that the task force had adopted amendments to the Model Act Relating to Unfair Methods of Competition and Deceptive Acts and Practices in the Business of Insurance to address the issue of insurance agents…

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Academic Scholars Joseph Belth Brenda Cude Stephen D’Arcy Mark Dorfman OC Ferrell Shauna Ferris Martin Grace Sandra Gustavson Gary Gorton Scott Harrington Solomon S. Huebner Jacob Jacoby Spencer Kimball – Law Robert W. Klein Jeremy Kress – Law Thomas S Kuhn – Philosphy David R Lange Patricia McCoy – Law Robert Mehr Barry S. Mulholland…

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TO DO 1999 1221 – Letter – ACLI to SEC – re Supplemental Submission on Proposed Registration Form N-6 for Insurance Company Separate Accounts Organized as Unit Investment Trusts that Fund Variable Life Insurance Contracts; File No, S7-9-98 – 27p Target Premium   Decades – Lawsuits – pages AN EVALUATION OF THE INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE OF UNIVERSAL…

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Connections The reader might assume that the subject of life insurance is neither very controversial nor interesting. Such a conclusion would be in great error. 1982 – Introduction to Life Insurance –  Mark Dorfman, Academic Textbook Interestingness requires the proper connections and interactions among diverse parts. The Hidden Factor: Why Thinking Differently Is Your Greatest Asset…

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SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission That tests the limits of the SEC staff’s gullibility, believe me it does. — W. Randolph Thompson, with the law firm of Jones & Blouchin Washington, will speak on some SEC issues 1993 – SOA – Variable Products — Product for the 1990s?, Society of Actuaries – 22p https://www.sec.gov/files/rules/proposed/2008/33-8933.pdf RIN 3235-AK16 INDEXED…

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