Draft – Short List https://www.bonknote.com/cash-value/ Benefits Costs / Unbundled Policy Overview Ideas Premium Roles Agents Understanding / Explaining UL General Focus Groups Performance / Volatility / Duration Finding Stuff MarkUps NAIC Illustrations Model Regulation – MarkUp NAIC Universal Life Model Regulation – MarkUp Leslie Scism – Article – MarkUp Policy Overview Docs Vogt v State…

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Newspapers newspapers.com/profile/BonkNote/ “AIG woes could be just the start,: critics say AIG took too many investment risks”, Los Angeles Times, Business Section, pp. A1, A14, No.March 30 2006 – vanishing premium – The Toronto Star – 08 Jul 2006, Sat ·Page 47 1986 – target premium / universal life – The Gettysburg Times – 13…

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New York Life William H. Beers b, d1893 1116 – NYT – [link] 1891 1023 – NYT – A Plea for Other Companies; Beer’s Course Hurts Everybody Engaged in Life Insurance – [link] John McCall  President – late 1800s-1900s 1906 0219 – New York Tribune – John A. M’Call Dead: The End Peaceful- Vol. LXV, no. 21645.…

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President Jimmy Carter   Jimmy Carter (D-GA) 1963-1967 – US State Senator  1971-1975 – Governor of Georgia 1977-1981 – President of the United States Vice President – Walter Mondale (D-MN) Department of the Treasury Secretary of the Treasury 1977-1979 – W. Michael Blumenthal (D-MI) – January 23, 1977 August 4, 1979 1979-1981 – G. William…

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J. Edgar Hoover JFK Assasination 1971 0509 – Washington Post – Hoover Held an Insurance Post, — Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co., J. Edgar Hoover — 1p Public Law 98–184 To amend the Act of March 3, 1869, incorporating the H.R. 2479 – Masonic Relief Association of the District of Columbia now known as Acacia…

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Prudential 1994 0613 – APNews – Life Insurance Buyers Allege Misleading Sales Tactics Were Used With PM-Vanishing, by Mark Dennis – [link]   1996 0626 – LA Times – Prudential Told Staff to Destroy Documents, Memo Shows, by Scot J. Paltrow – [link] A spokeswoman for the New Jersey insurance department said the task force had…

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1994-2 Mr. Wright said the working group might develop two alternative models, one with guarantees only, and one with projections of non-guaranteed elements in an understandable format. Mary Griffin (Consumers Union) asked about Section 2 and the phase “misrepresenting the benefits of the life insurance policy.” Mr. Coleman commented on the definition of illustration in…

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Range Approach 2017 10/15 or 19 – LIBWG – Letter from the Non-Guaranteed Elements Work Group of the American Academy of Actuaries We believe consumers would benefit from the inclusion of a discussion of NGEs in the buyer’s guide, and think the following points would be helpful: Products with NGEs have the risk that costs…

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LATF – Life Actuarial Task Force – NAIC 2023 0601 – NAIC – Life Actuarial (A) Task Force Rachel Hemphill / Pat Allison / Jennifer Frasier – Donna Claire, Linda Lankowski, Donna Megregian, Birny Birnbaum, Brian Bayerle, David Hippen, Fred Anderson, Laura Hanson, Mary Bahna-Nolan, Mike Boerner, Mike Yanacheak, Pete Weber, Purushotham, Teresa Winer, Tomasz Serbinowski,…

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George Coleman I think you have to catch people’s attention, and that is all to the good. —  George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) 1994 – SOA – Problems and Solutions for Product Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 28p George Coleman of Prudential…not an actuary. He’s a lawyer……

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