Barbara Lautzenheiser Some of our problems, however, have been caused by regulatory bodies.  —  Barbara J. Lautzenheiser 1981 – SOA – The Life Insurance Business — The View of Consumerists, (rsa81v7n38) – Daniel F. Case – Moderator, Society of Actuaries – 18p Barbara Lautzenheiser (Lautzenheiser and Associates) said that if the industry could have provided…

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Collaboration Q: Who Can Explain How Life Insurance Policies Work? Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation Research – [link] Finding comment letters/discussion/attachments in Proceedings – [link] Model Regulation 582: Life Insurance Illustrations (Free Look) – [link] References in the Proceedings – [link] But nowhere has there been a serious, full dress attempt to re-define the modern American insurance transaction as…

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Sensitivity Analysis Mr. Nepple said that in his opinion a sensitivity analysis added confusion, but he did not see that it was essential for consumers to understand standardized assumptions. Mr. Nepple asked the group to consider further the issue of a sensitivity analysis. 1994-4, NAIC Proceedings

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Junk Bonds Junk Bonds – Media 1994 – AP – Fraine’s Neglected Findings: Was Hickman Wrong?, by Martin S. Fridson, Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 50, No. 5 (Sep. – Oct., 1994), pp. 43-53 (11 pages) – JSTOR NBER, Study Executive Life Drexel Burnham I found it interesting that a number of small stock companies…

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Unfair Trade Practices Michael Lovendusky (American Council of Life Insurers — ACLI) …. said the Unfair Trade Practices Act is the bedrock of market practices. 2001-1, NAIC Proceedings, Suitability Working Group  The NAIC’s Model Unfair Trade Practices Act is designed to prevent deceptive and/or misleading practices during the sale of insurance. The Model Act also…

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Unauthorized Practice of Law “National Conference of Lawyers and Life Insurance Companies” ABA – American Bar Association Unauthorized Practice of Law 1951 – LR – The Bar and the Unauthorized Practice of Law: A Survey – 13p 1955 – LR – The Unauthorized Practice Controversy, A Struggle Among Power Groups, Quintin Johnstone – 57p 1964 – LR…

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Lapse-Supported [Glenn Daily is particularly irate about what the industry calls “lapse supported pricing,” which is used in illustrations to show higher cash values in later years. Actuaries who use this technique know that only half the people who buy policies will still have them after seven years. After 20 years, only about 25 percent…

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1960s – SOA – Society of Actuaries 1960 – SOA – Premiums and Dividends for Individual Ordinary Insurance, Society of Actuaries – 30p 1960 – SOA – The Life Insurance Company Income Tax Act of 1959, Society of Actuaries –  24p 1961 – SOA – Marketing Trends, Society of Actuaries – 10p 1961 – SOA – Ordinary Insurance…

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Find acli” “inaccurate” “irresponsible” – New York Insurance Commissioner – re: Actuarial Guideline 38 (AG 38) 1988 0927 – GOV (House) – Certain Aspects of Life Insurance Taxation ⇒  [PDF-233p-GooglePlay (p64) – Standard and Poor’s study of municipal bond defaults in the 1990s, bonds for the three major types of conduit bond issue [Corrected…

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DOL – Department of Labor DOL Fiduciary Rule ERISA – Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974  2006 – DOL – Proposed Rule – Default Investment Alternatives under Participant Directed Individual Account Plans Comments – 2008 – DOL – Proposed Rule – Investment Advice – Participants And Beneficiaries NPRM Comments – 2008 1006…

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