VAR – Value at Risk Summary: Value-at-risk has received a great deal of attention in recent years as an effective risk management concept. This session examines the basics, including: What is it and how does it work? How much and how is it being used? What are the pros and cons relative to other risk…

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Universal Life Insurance does not “Fit” into the existing regulatory framework This regulation is designed to address those areas where universal life insurance does not “fit” into the existing regulatory framework.  (p1) NAIC – Universal Life Insurance Model Regulation – MDL-585 – 22p New York reports that they have determined that Section 216 and 208,…

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People Can Disagree There is bound to be a controversial element in anything that enlightens the public to these differences and gives them a more intelligent basis for choice than they have at the present time. — Ernest J. Moorhead 1977 – DEBATE, “RESOLVED. THE LIFE INSURANCE BUSINESS, AS TRANSACTED TODAY, IS IN ITS TERMINAL STAGES, Society…

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Nature of… The nature of the life insurance industry calls for a relatively conservative investment policy, with safety of principal being of highest importance. —  ROBERT R. WYAND II 1977 – INVESTMENT STRATEGY AND PLANNING, Society of Actuaries – 16p

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ICP 19 – Conduct of Business (COB) – IAIS 2022 06 – IAIS – Supervisors’ use of key indicators to assess insurer conduct – 22p ….in the United States, the term “market conduct” instead of “conduct of business” is more widely used. 2015 0501 – AAA to IAIS – Committee Comments To IAIS On…

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Canada George R. Dinney 1981 – SOA – Who Conceived this Instrument?, by EJM, Ernest J. Moorhead (Jack), The Actuary, Society of Actuaries – 2p [Universal Life Insurance] Subject to responsibility being accepted (and documented) by somebody else, we hold that the father is George R. Dinney, and the place of conception Winnipeg, Canada. CCIR – Canadian Council of Insurance…

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CIA-ICA – Canadian Institute of Actuaries Nobis cura futuri, the motto of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, may be roughly translated “We care about the future.” 1982 – SOA – Actuarial Aspects of the Changing Canadian Demographic, by Robert L. Brown – 26p 3. Determination of Range of Primary Scenarios An actuary involved in the…

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Reputational Risk I sincerely believe we have a flawed instrument in today’s sales illustrations. …we did not communicate the impact of change as well as  …we should have. Our biggest mistake would be to delay. I don’t believe the consumer will tolerate or forgive us, let alone the regulators, if we do nothing. — Robert…

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Interest Rate Risk – (C-3) In many jurisdictions, insurance companies have expended significant efforts to understand the sensitivity of their investment portfolios to underlying market risks, especially interest rate risk. 2001 11 – BIS / The Joint Forum – Risk Management Practices and Regulatory Capital Cross-Sectoral Comparison – 126p The mismatch between the cash flows…

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ESRB – European Systemic Risk Board 2015 12 – ESRB – Report on systemic risks in the EU insurance sector, Annex 3, Sources of systemic risks – 92p 2018 11 – ESRB – Macroprudential provisions, measures and instruments for insurance – 80p 2020 02 – ESRB – Enhancing the macroprudential dimension of Solvency II -…

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