Central Banks Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basel_Committee_on_Banking_Supervision is a committee of banking supervisory authorities that was established by the central bank governors of the Group of Ten countries in 1974. DOCS Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision Concordat on cross-border banking supervision Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution owned…

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EU – European Union ECB – European Central Bank European Banking Authority EIOPA – European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority ESMA – European Securities and Markets Authority is an independent EU authority that protects the stability of the EU’s financial system. – esma.europa.eu/ ESRB – European Systemic Risk Board European Commission proposes laws, makes sure EU…

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SB-Video clips – todo – Congress 199x-GOV – Executive Life Pacific Life Executive Life beat us out of Pacific Lumber Contract Disclosure – Should be written by people who understand the material lobbying in California – Junk Bonds NOT LIFE Insurance 072418 — Full Committee Markup – Homelessness / jobs Maxine Waters (1:19) Sean Duffy…

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Michael McRaith 2005-2011 – Illinois Insurance Commissioner – 3/21/2005 – 6/1/2011 2011-? – FIO – Director, Federal Insurance Office BlackRock 2009 0317 – GOV (Senate) – Perspectives on Modernizing Insurance Regulation – [PDF-160p Michael McRaith – 14p 2009 04 – GOV (Senate – Aging) – Betting on Death in the Life Settlement Market: What’s at Stake for…

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EIOPA – European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority eiopa.europa.eu/ Gabriel Bernardino EIOPA observed in several issues of its Financial Stability Report (2015, 2016d,e) the increasing penetration of unit and index-linked product in the market and warned on the potential implications for the policyholders.  (p37) 2017 – EIOPA – Systemic risk and macroprudential policy in insurance – 77p 2015…

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Unit Linked In the United Kingdom variable life assurance is known as “unit-linked” life assurance or merely “linked” life assurance. Its development was untidy and is not well documented, but over a period of about fifteen years it has grown from being an oddity to being a significant proportion (3.5 per cent) of the new-business…

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