Start – Cost of Insurance Birny Birnbaum – (CEJ):  I think this can be done in a fairly transparent way.  The same way that you can do a …even easier than what you can do with a Surrender Charge. So, for example, if there’s a Cost of Insurance charge, what’s the initial “Cost of Insurance…

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Start – Documents F:\2021 Bonknote stuff toshiba\2021 Project x – 1973-2 – NAIC – Exhibit II 21 different attempts DuRose bonknote p117-120 [PDF-4p] x – 2016 SOA Target Premium Buckets mp-2016-iss3-zhao-komissarov coi tables, etc. – Flitcraft Compend Reserve Factor Claire 5th –  2017 – DCBA – Lawyer Ad – UL Conceptually Same as WL -…

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Start – Non-guaranteed Elements 2017/11/6 – LIBGWG – NAIC Conference Call American Academy of Actuaries  –  “Because NGEs <Non-Guaranteed Elements> are likely to change, the ongoing performance of products with NGEs should be reviewed periodically after purchase to assess the impact of any NGE changes and consider actions that policyholders may wish to take (e.g.,…

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Starters – Worldview …why has the sailing been smooth for mature products similar to universal life insurance abroad, while in China things have been so turbulent? (p57) 2017/0623 – IMF – Strengthening Financial and Exchange Rate Frameworks – 230p

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Start – Complaints Ms. Winer asked if it would be useful to ask states whether they have received consumer complaints about the summaries. Mr. Wicka said that it would be helpful to have that kind of information but that he is not sure it would be possible to track down complaints to that level of detail.…

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Starters – Why is Universal Life Insurance sometimes called Whole or Permanent? Universal Life Insurance Model Regulation  Universal Life as Adjustable Life (Walter Chapin’s Version) Company Taxation – 818(c) That is definitely an important consideration. Many companies are selling these plans <Universal Life> side by side with permanent insurance plans.  —  MR. SIBIGTROTH 1979 – FUTURE TRENDS…

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Starters – Universal Life Descriptions Permanent Whole Cash Value Dynamic / Any Plan of Insurance Term Adjustable None of the Above for more Universal Life – Descriptions 4 – Broken down to its simplest basis, Universal Life has eliminated the concept of “plan of insurance”…..  — Christian J. DesRochers 1983 – Universal Life, Society of Actuaries – 24p…

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Start Start – Index Change no Damage?? Market Moving Information P1P2 Mr. Schwartzer reminded the Working Group that the Life Insurance Illustration Issues (A) Working Group came out of concerns raised when the Indexed Universal Life (IUL) Illustrations (A) Subgroup under the Life Actuarial (A) Task Force was working on guidance for IUL policy Illustrations that would…

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Leslie Scism Philadelphia Daily News Dow Jones  AIG IUL – Indexed Universal Life PRT – Pension Risk Transfers Universal Life Vanishing Premium 1995 0103 – WSJ – Fine Print Victims: Some Agents ‘Churn’ Life Insurance Policies, Hurt Their Customers, Prudential, by Leslie Scism – <WishList> 1997 0807 – WSJ – Internal Reports Depict Forgery,…

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Yardstick Ernest J. MOORHEAD. I guess I would , I hope you’ll not think this is with tongue in cheek, express my happiness at Mr. Matz’s remarks about the yardsticks. When I went before the ACLI committee, of which he was then chairman the adjective applied to the yardstick idea was ludicrous. I’m pleased that…

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