Eric Dinallo Dinallo – Index 2007 01 – 2009 07 – New York State Superintendent of Insurance Dinallo – List Dinallo – 2008 Financial Crisis AIG – Securities Lending – Dinallo 2012 – Paper – Prosecuting Securities Fraud from a New York Perspective, by Eric Dinallo – 6p 2021 0225 – YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project:…

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Mis-selling …customers may be satisfied with companies because they provide inexpensive products, but the customers may be misinformed about what is being sold. (p3) 2015 0501 – Letter – AAA to IAIS – Committee Comments To IAIS on Conduct of Business Risk Draft Paper, American Academy of Actuaries – 4p Mis-selling and market conduct issues…

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Policyholder Protection Consumer Protection The fundamental tenet of our U.S. system is to protect policyholders by ensuring the solvency of the insurer and its ability to pay insurance claims. (p36) —  Prepared Statement of Kevin M. McCarty, Commissioner Florida Office of Insurance Regulation – On Behalf of the National Association of Insurance  2015 0428 – GOV…

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Captive Reinsurance Shadow Insurance 2016 0317 – OFR – Mind the Gaps: What Do New Disclosures Tell Us About Life Insurers’ Use of Off-Balance-Sheet Captives?, by Jill Cetina, Arthur Fliegelman, Jonathan Glicoes, and Ruth Leung – 10p (p41) – Use of captives has grown rapidly since 2000, when the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) passed…

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Regulation XXX – NAIC 2001 02 – Report – AAA – XXX Practice Note – NAIC Model Regulation XXX, American Academy of Actuaries – 17p 2001 – SOA – Regulation XXX: A Comprehensive Overview, Society of Actuaries – 25p  2006 – AP – Regulation XXX Spurs Insurance Securitization, by Stephen Rooney – <WishList-HeinOnline> The valuation actuary…

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Codification One other issue I did want to touch on is the effort of the NAIC on codification. I’m sure that a lot of you have not paid a lot of attention to codification. It seems like an effort that the accountants are making, that we hope won’t effect us too much. The effort on…

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Universal Life with Secondary Guarantees (ULSG) The Universal Life contract with secondary guarantees has been one of the most controversial life insurance products introduced in the United States. 2014 04 – Model Validation for Insurance Enterprise Risk and Capital Models, Sponsored by CAS, CIA, SOA Joint Risk Management Section, prepared By Markus Stricker, Shaun Wang,…

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Procyclical 2006 – IMF – Procyclical Fiscal Policy: Shocks, Rules, and Institutions—A View From MARS – 41p 2009 0504 – Procyclicality – what it means and what could be done, Jean-Pierre Landau, Deputy Governor of the Bank of France – 6p

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BOE – Bank of England Vicky Saporta 2017 – BOE – Douglas, G., Noss, J., and Vause, N. (2017). The impact of solvency ii regulations on life insurers’ investment behaviour. Bank of England Staff Working Paper No. 664 – 30p 2022 02 – BOE – Modelling fire sale contagion across banks and non-banks, Staff…

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White Coat Investor 2013 0204 – White Coat Investor – Book Review of Missed Fortune 101 By Live Abundant Owner Doug Andrew – [link] 2014 0519 – White Coat Investor – Is a Zero Percent Tax Bracket in Retirement a Good Idea? – [link] The cost of insurance in the table varies from $0.06 to $83.34 per…

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