Joseph Belth – LC – Belth v. North Carolina Insurance Department A.L. Williams, The Insurance Forum Newsletter – LC – Belth v. New York State Department of Insurance 733 NYS2d 833 FOIA / FOIL 2004 0616 – Schiff’s Insurance Observer – Insurance Regulator Sucks up to Big Insurers: Makes Public Data Secret,…

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Armstrong Investigation The New York Armstrong Committee Investigation of 1906, under the counsel of Charles Evans Hughes, dramatically, factually, and impartially exposed various unsavory practices among life insurance companies. The investigation resulted in radical state legislation, both in New York and elsewhere, designed to regulate the life insurance industry. 1992 – LR – Banking and Insurance…

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Is the Insurance Industry Exposed to Systemic Risk? Systemic risk afflicts all life insurance and investment firms around the world. 2009 – AIG: Is the Risk Systemic?, 26 Feb 2009 – Report – 21p <YES> The insurance industry is exposed to systemic risk.  The viability of the insurance sector rests on the perception that insurers can and…

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PBS – Public Broadcasting Service 2014-? – PBS – Tom Hegna’s Public Television Special: Don’t Worry, Retire Happy! 2009 – PBS – 2014 – p2 – Retirement Income from Whole Life Insurance [Bonk: 2009 – MassMutual Analysis: Whole Life Insurance Can Help Supply Retirement Income, Preserve Equity Portfolios During Bear Markets As part of the company’s…

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Life Insurance Life insurance, because it is a nontangible product, is extremely susceptible to being perceived as whatever people think it to be. —  Larry Silkes 1983 – SOA – Universal Life Valuation and NonForfeiture: A Generalized Model,  Shane A. Chalke and Michael Davlin, Society of Actuaries – 72p (p30) – Life insurance is a theme…

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Life Insurance vs Car Insurance Michael Lovendusky <ACLI>: Life Insurance Pricing is different from property / Casualty pricing Birny Birnbaum (CEJ):  <Michael Lovendusky <ACLI> is off the mark… Ludicrous …. Pricing for life insurance and property Casualty pricing is not different….Collect information, run through algorithm…. Can provide an extremely detailed Illustration at application, Data Elements…

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Risk Classification 1980 – SOA – Risk Classification, Society of Actuaries – 18p 26. Five sets of congressional hearings have been held on a bill introduced by Senators Hatfield and Packwood and Representative Dingell that would prohibit classification on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Most of the testimony from the…

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McCarran-Ferguson Act 1945 – Congress – McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 Senator Homer Ferguson (R-MI) – 1943-1955 Senator Pat McCarran – (D-NV) – 1933-1954 1869 – LC – Paul v Virginia 1944 – LC – United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association – United States Supreme Court It is important to note that McCarran is a power-sharing statute…

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Integrated Contract 1985 – LR – An Examination of the 1984 Requirement That All Insurance Policies Must Qualify as Integrated Contracts Pursuant to State Law, by James R. Burkhard – Drake Law Review, Volume 34, Number 4 – 52p 1984 – GOV – GENERAL EXPLANATION OF THE REVENUE PROVISIONS OF THE DEFICIT REDUCTION ACT OF 1984

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