Special Plans 1982-2, NAIC Proc. – A new exposure draft of a revised model regulation has been prepared by the staff of the American Council of Life Insurance [ACLI] The following are among the principal features incorporated in the revised draft: The introduction of the concept of a nonguaranteed element to measure the extent to which…

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Linton Yield Albert Linton  James Hunt Richard C. MURPHY: One of your charges was to comment on the use of the Linton yields for dissimilar plans and to compare the costs. Has your group made much progress on that issue? William SNELL, Northwestern Mutual: We have looked into that and are not ready to comment…

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Capital Formation Second, an adequate flow of long-term capital is a critical need of a free society. Indeed, many of the problems this country is experiencing at the present time are reportedly due to the fact that we don’t have an adequate flow of long-term capital. Whole life for over 100 years has been a…

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Thomas Foley Insurance Commissioner ?-1998-? – – North Dakota  ?-2000-? – – Kansas – Life and Health Actuary  Robert Dineen Award Because I was a company actuary for 20 years before I became a regulator, I have a perspective that a lot of regulatory actuaries do not have. —  Thomas C. Foley, North Dakota, Regulator/…

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Sandbox – AIG https://ypfsresourcelibrary.blob.core.windows.net/fcic/fcic-testimony/2010-0630-AIG-Risk-Management.pdf Frank P. Filipps https://www.actuaries.asn.au/Library/Events/SUM/2013/4b-Ferris.pdf FRB Coryann Stefansson – Now SIFMA 2:15:28 – Carolyn Maloney:  bad regulatory decision? – Liddy: yes all life insurance companies would have been in trouble… asset prices….capital markets 2009 0318 – AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP’S IMPACT ON THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER FEDERAL INTERVENTION – aka Federal…

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Ed Royce 1993-2019 – US House – (R-CA)  2008 0923 – WSJ – Insurance Companies Need a Federal Regulator, by John Sununu, Tim Johnson, Melissa Bean and Ed Royce – [link] 2012 0712 – Bloomberg – Congressman Seeks Treasury Exam of State Insurance Group, By Noah Buhayar – [link] 2012 0712 – ThinkAdvisor – Royce Demands FIO Probe of NAIC, By Arthur D.…

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NARAB – National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers 2000 0412 – Testimony – NAIC to GOV (Senate) – State Implementation of the NARAB Subtitle in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act,  Testimony of the Financial Services Modernization NARAB Working Group, Terri Vaughan (IA) – 19p Senate – Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs – Securities Subcommittee…

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Universal Life – Federal Government Universal life insurance generally refers to a whole life policy with flexible premiums, adjustable death protection, and a cash value accumulated at current rates of interest. Universal life insurance offers both insurance protection (in effect, term insurance) and savings, i.e., the ability to accumulate a cash value in the policy…

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