Benefits – Industry Groups In the alternative he <Coleman-Prudential> suggested that the provision be reworded to say: “The annual report shall provide notice that the policyholder may request an illustration of current and future values and benefits.” 2000-3, NAIC Proceedings An agents’ association representative <Robert M. Nelson (NALU, NAIFA)> reported that his group was concerned about…

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Government Hearings – 2012 The Tri-party Repo Market: Remaining Challenges : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, Second Session … August 2, 2012 United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Subcommittee on…

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Systemic Risk – NAIC The very nature of insurance significantly reduces the potential of a run-on-the-bank scenario for property/casualty, health and most life insurance products. For those limited products sold by insurers that could be subject to some level of run risk, mitigating factors exist such as policy loan limitations, surrender/withdrawal penalties, and additional…

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House – Financial Services Committee 2008 – Journal and History of Legislation – United States House of Representatives – Committee On Financial Services – Barney Frank, Chairman – 420p 2009 – Rept. 110-929 – Report on the Activity of the Committee on Financial Services for the One Hundred Tenth Congress…

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Government Hearings – 2016 2016 0224 – GOV (House) – The Impact of the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III [PDF-178p, VIDEO-YouTube] – <mp3, mp4> House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises 2016 0225 – GOV (House) – The Impact of International Regulatory Standards on the Competitiveness…

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Government Hearings – 1999 1999 – Last week the House Banking Committee heard from Merrill Lynch, ACLI  1999 0210, 0211 and 0212 – GOV (House) – H.R. 10-The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999  – CSPAN – Financial Services Modernization, Jim Leach (R-IA)  –>    0210 – VIDEO-CSPAN-05:38:42] 1999 0210, 0211 and 0212 – GOV (House)…

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Government Hearings – 2015 2015 0303 – GOV (Senate) – Federal Reserve Accountability and Reform, Richard Shelby (R-AL)  [PDF-95p, 2015 0325 – GOV (Senate) – FSOC Accountability Nonbank Designations, Richard Shelby (R-AL)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-165p,  VIDEO-CSPAN (This video was obtained from the Congressional  Committee’s website…<No Download Available>) – <mp3, mp4> – T Senate Banking Committee Website…

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Government Hearings – 2014 2014 0204 – GOV (House) – The Federal Insurance Office’s Report on Modernizing Insurance Regulation  [PDF-277p, VIDEO-YouTube] –  mp3, mp4 Mcraith, Leonardi, In background (Ben Nelson, Gary Hughes?) (p26) – Tom Leonardi (CT – Insurance Commissioner):  So I think what we need to do is step back and say again, what is the…

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Government Hearings – 2011 The State of Securitization Markets: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, First Session, on Examining the State of Securitization Markets, May 18, 2011 United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking, Housing, and…

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Government Hearings – 2004 2004 0331 – GOV (House) – Working with State Regulators to Increase Insurance Choices for Consumers [PDF-205p, VIDEO-?] – <mp3, mp4> – R  CFA – J. Robert Hunter, Director of Insurance, Consumer Federation of America One would be, for example, term life insurance, I think you could totally deregulate. And people…

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