NBER – National Bureau of Economic Research nber.org 1938 – NBER – Some Theoretical Problems Suggested by the Movements of Interest Rates, Bond Yields and Stock Prices in the United States since 1856, by Frederick R. Macaulay – [link] 1989 – NBER – How Rational is the Purchase of Life Insurance? – Alan J. Auerbach, Laurence…

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Systemic Risk – Papers 2010 – AP – Measuring Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors, by Monica Billio – 68p 2010 – NAIC CIPR –  Systemic Risk and the U.S. Insurance Sector – by Mary Weiss –  40p 2014 – LR –  Regulating Systemic Risk in Insurance, Daniel Schwartz — [BonkNote]  —  73p 2016 – FRB-C…

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Government Hearings – 1990s Government Hearings – 1990 Government Hearings – 1991 Government Hearings – 1992 Government Hearings – 1993 Government Hearings – 1994 Government Hearings – 1995 Government Hearings – 1997 Government Hearings – 1998 Government Hearings – 1999 1993 0629 – GOV (House) – Agency actions to reduce the negative impact of regulations…

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Government Reports REPORT ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS 1940s 1949 – GOV – Profits: Report of a Subcommittee of the Joint Committee on The Economic Report On Profits Hearings – [PDF-249p] (p3) – A recurrent theme in the hearings was the drying up of the security market for equity…

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Government Hearings – 1980s heinonline.org/HeinDocs/HeinOnline_Apr_2012_content_release.html 1980 1119 – GOV (Senate) – Taxation of Certain Annuity Contracts and Normalization Requirements for Certain Public Utility Property [PDF-144p-Senate-Link], VIDEO-?] ->Not on govinfo.gov – R Senate – Committee on Finance – Subcommittee on Taxation and Debt Management Generally 1981 – ojp.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/84004NCJRS.pdf APPENDIX 2 – MARCH 30, 1981. – THE COMMONWEALTH…

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Government Hearings Government Hearings – Index 1955 – GOV (Senate) – Stock Market Study: Regulation of Unlisted Securities, (D-NY) Part 1 –  Part 2 – 1955 0627/30 and 0701 – p1023-1728 S. 2054 – A Bill to Amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as Amended (p1131) – Statement of the American Life Convention and…

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Capital Markets H. CAPITAL MARKETS BUREAU The principal risk of capital markets activities within regulated entities is the potential for loss on investment instruments and investment portfolios that may materially affect capital adequacy. Managing this risk is the responsibility of the insurer’s board of directors and management. A key to the regulation of capital markets…

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CFPB – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Hearings 2011 0316 – GOV – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Oversight PDF, Video 2011 0406 – GOV – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Panel 1 Video 2011 0406 – GOV – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Panel 2 Video 2011 0524 – GOV – WHO’S WATCHING THE WATCHMEN? OVERSIGHT OF THE…

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Abusive Agency Problems: Policy Replacements A. What information is available on the extent of policy replacement abuses? What steps have individual companies taken to control replacements of existing policies? What procedures have companies adopted to meet the several state regulations regarding replacements? 1961 – SOA – Agency Problems: Policy Replacements, Society of Actuaries – 11p Unreasonable…

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Scott Harrington Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania scottharringtonphd.com/ 1991 – AP – Should the Feds Regulate Insurance Company Solvency?, by Scott E. Harrington – 9p 1992 – AP – Policyholder Runs, Life Insurance Company Failures, and Insurance Solvency Regulation, by Scott E. Harrington, 5 Cato Rev Bus & Govt 27, 27 – 11p 2006 0718 – GOV…

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