Red Team 2022 1013 – IAIS – Draft – Issues Paper on Insurance Sector Operational Resilience – 28p  — [BonkNote]  (p17) – 61. – Red Team Tests – involve entities challenging their internal and external dependencies through the use of red teams to introduce an adversary’s perspective in a controlled setting. Red teams serve to test possible…

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ELNY – Executive Life of New York Edward Stone Law – ELNY Karen L. Shaw et al v The United States  Trevor Langkamp v The United States No. 15-764C  filed March 20, 2017 No. 18-2052 – Appeals Court Decision – 14p (p2) – Because we conclude that the court erred in…

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NCSL – National Conference of State Legislators Amid claims the federal government should oversee insurance companies, state lawmakers say consumers are better off with them in charge. – re: Federal Insurance Office, Kanjorski, FIO – [Bad Link]…-a0211631674 2009 1001 – State Legislatures Magazine – Right to regulate: amid claims…

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Special Committee on Metropolitan Life – NAIC “Special Committee on Metropolitan Life” – NAIC (Executive Committee) Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Executive (EX) Committee voted to add a charge to the Life Insurance (A) Committee as follows: Receive and consider recommendations from other NAIC committees (such as the (EX) Special Committee on Metropolitan…

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1994-1 Adopted the report of the Life Disclosure Working Group, which decided that the appropriate illustration should show only policy guarantees and past performance compared to a common index. Mr. Coleman said he was very disappointed with the plan announced. He was critical of the proposal that the future performance could be demonstrated by the…

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House House – Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Policy Research and Insurance Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization House – Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Inclusion House – Housing and Insurance House -…

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Senate Senators Senate  Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection Finance Subcommittee on Taxation and Debt Management Committee Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee on Finance Subcommittee on Private Retirement Plans and Oversight of the Internal…

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SB-Clarify P1 ->SIV->P2 or P1->P2->SIV What is Universal Life? Who wanted Universal Life? Life Insurance as an Investment 20. Aetna does not dispute that Mr. Pflugfelder described the Policies as “permanent insurance.” He did so correctly, as Plaintiffs concede. 21. Aetna does not dispute this paragraph, but adds that Plaintiffs never asked what the term…

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CBO – Congressional Budget Office Douglas Holtz-Eakin 2003-2005 – Director of the Congressional Budget Office  Life insurers, whose liabilities are generally more liquid than their assets, are particularly vulnerable to runs by policyholders.  (page x) 1994 04 – CBO – The Economic Impact of a Solvency Crisis in the Insurance Industry, Congressional Budget Office  — …

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Surplus Notes 1989 – SOA – Securitization of Assets, Society of Actuaries – 10p 1995 – SOA – Survival Strategies for Mutuals, Society of Actuaries – 14p 2015 – Book – The Insurance Forum: A Memoir, contains a chapter (Chapter 25) devoted to the subject of surplus notes.,  by Joseph Belth – 11p 2016 0710 – IAIS – Risk-based Global…

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