Japan GIAJ – General Insurance Association of Japan 1990 – GOV (JEC) – Japan’s Economic Challenge – Study  [PDF-537p-archive.org, Video?] ->Not on govinfo.org Portfolio Investment Japan’s main securities investors are life insurance companies, banks, and other major financial institutions.27 (p197) Japanese foreign investment in the United States has taken two distinct forms: portfolio investments of…

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Life Sales Results winkintel.com/2018/11/3ql2018lifesalesreport/ https://www.limra.com/siteassets/newsroom/fact-tank/sales-data/2020/q2/2q-2020-ilis-sales-results-final-updated.pdf

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Macroprudential Initiative – NAIC MACROPRUDENTIAL INITIATIVE (MPI) – NAIC Website Macroprudential (E) Working Group (MWG) – NAIC 2022 – Regulatory Considerations Applicable (But Not Exclusive) to PE Owned Insurers https://content.naic.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/Comments%206-13-22_0.pdf

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Baird Webel CRS – Specialist in Financial Economics, Congressional Research Service worldcat.org/identities/lccn-no2009093188/ 2009 0514 – GOV (House) – How Should the Federal Government Oversee Insurance?, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  —  [BonkNote] 2009 0728 – GOV (Senate) – Regulatory Modernization: Perspectives on Insurance – [PDF-125p, 2011 0914 – GOV (Senate-Banking/SII) – Emerging Issues in Insurance Regulation, Jack Reed (D-RI)  — …

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The Geneva Association genevaassociation.org/ genevaassociation.org/publications/academic-journals/ Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (GRIR) / The Geneva Papers The academic journal of the Geneva Association and the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE) Founded by The Geneva Association in 1976, The Geneva Papers is a refereed journal published quarterly by Palgrave Macmillan. It aims at improving the scientific…

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Variable Annuities As you know, VAs have been around since the 1950s, and variable life insurance has been written since 1975 when the Equitable wrote the first policy. —  John T. Adney, a founding partner of the law firm of Davis & Harman LLP in Washington, DC 2000 – SOA – Separate Account Products in…

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Lawyers The value of the settlement may also be determinative of the plaintiff’s attorney’s fee because their fees will generally be based on the value of the settlement. However, those fees get paid out whether they’re a part of the settlement, whether they come out of the amount paid to the class, or whether they’re…

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Liquidation Receivership Troubled Companies UILA – Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act Asset Liquidation Disintermediation Life Liquidity Risk Working Group – NAIC Liquidity Liquidity Assessment Subgroup Liquidity Risk Liquidity vs SolvencyLapse Risk Run Runnable Run on the Bank Run on the Life Insurance Company “asset liquidation analysis” UILA – Uniform Insurers Liquidation Act 1940 – LR -…

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Military Diana B. Henriques – New York Times 2005 1117 – GOV (Senate) – A Review Of The GAO Report On The Sale Of Financial Products To Military Personnel  —  [BonkNote]  —  [PDF-89p]   Military Sales Working Group – NAIC Model 568: Military sales practices model regulation – 8p 2010 0728 – NPR (All Things Considered) -…

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North Carolina Richard Burr – (R-NC) 2005-Current (as of 2022) – US Senate 1994-2005 – US House Tony Higgins ?-1993-? – North Caroline Insurance Commission.. 1993-2, NAIC Proceedings Tony Higgins (N.C.) referred the group to a resolution of the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) urging state insurance departments to become aware of disclosure and…

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