Pacer 2020 – Fixing the ‘PACER problem’ means more than a redesign – [LINK] 2020 12 – Free PACER Would Cost $2B And Other Completely Made Up Garbage The Federal Judiciary Is Peddling: The judiciary is freaking out and trying to snuff out this threat to its stash. – [LINK] Open Courts Act is a bipartisan proposal…

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SB-Legal Cases Using UL as ART Wiener v. AXA Equitable Life Ins. Co. – 16 Civ. 04019 (ER) – 03-15-2019     Windham v. Cook Life Insurance Litigation Testifying expert valuing policy performance of a variable universal life insurance contract used in a tax planning program. Expert report and trial testimony provided. Arroyo v. Alexander & Alexander…

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Melissa Bean Illinois – Congress – 2005 0103 – 2011 0103 2009 0305 – Perspectives on Systemic Risk (Part 1 of 2) 2009 0616- Insurance and Systemic Risk 2009 1006 – GOV (House) – Capital Markets Regulatory Reform: Strengthening Investor Protection, Enhancing Oversight of Private Pools of Capital, and Creating a National Insurance Office – [PDF-325p, 2009…

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Predictive Analytics 2019 – The Use of Predictive Analytics in the Canadian Life Insurance Industry, Society of Actuaries 2014 – Modeling of Policyholder Behavior for Life Insurance and Annuity Products, Society of Actuaries – 92p

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CSO On the regulatory front, we have 2001 CSO coming into play. That will help UL writers and variable life writers. It reduces the cost of reserves when we provide guarantees to clients. However, the impact on term and UL is probably moderate, probably low. On the variable life side, a number of variable life…

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LIRP/ SLIRP – Life Insurance Retirement Plan LIRP Life Insurance Retirement Plan Life Insurance Retirement Planning Life Insurance in Retirement Planning 199xs – Metlife – legal case – Nurses LC – Walker v Life Insurance Company of the Southwest  —  [BonkNote] Doug Andrew LASER Fund David McKnight 2022 0523 – The Power of Zero – What…

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Questions – NAIC 2013 – NAIC – State of the Life Insurance Industry: Implications of Industry Trends – 220p Additionally, the insurer usually guarantees the cash value will not fall below a minimum value. Transcript of NAIC Webex Conference Calls like the SEC? Why is there a JP Morgan Copyright on NAIC materials? Who is/are the Life…

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SB-Premium WHEN IS A PREMIUM NOT A PREMIUM? – Richard Weber 199x, NAIC – VP – only problem is … LC – Johnston and Johnston v Conseco – Judge LC – any of them 1985 – JIR – Universal life: taxation and the actuarial concept of life insurance – 10p

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Fatally Flawed This deficiency led one NAIC group to conclude that the system of relative cost disclosure was “fatally flawed and seriously defective.” 1995 – JIR / NAIC – Symposium on the Regulation of Life Cost Disclosure and Market Conduct, by Tom Foley and Carolyn Johnson – 48p First to comment was Sen. Howard Metzenbaum…

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Flitcraft Best’s Flitcraft Compendium

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