Company – kemper Individual Companies Company Culture Company Investments Company Taxes Insolvencies Run on the Life Insurance Company   “It is a general principle of corporate law deeply ingrained in our economic and legal systems that a parent corporation (so-called because of control through ownership of another corporation’s stock) is not liable for the…

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Non-Traditional Risks Non-traditional risks pose the greatest threat Top three were: customer loyalty competitive threats operational failure 2001 12 – NAIC – Risk Management in the Insurance Industry –  Session 7a – 51p 2008 – SOA – Economic Capital for Life Insurance Companies, Society of Actuaries – 63p 19. Large life insurance groups have expanded…

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RBC – Risk-Based Capital NAIC Risk-Based Capital (RBC) For Insurers Model Act, MDL-312 – 20p NAIC – Life Risk-Based Capital Report: Including Overview and Instructions for Companies – link – 1993-Current Financial Condition (E) Committee Life Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group – 1994 – NAIC – Raising The Safety Net: Risk-Based Capital for…

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Government Hearings – 1950s Organized Crime 1950-1951 – Kefauver Committee Special Committee on Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce Origins – In 1949 the American Municipal Association, representing more than 10,000 cities nationwide, petitioned the federal government to combat the growing influence of organized crime. 1950 0316  and  0329 – GOV (Senate) – Taxation of…

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Term Universal Life Insurance Guideline EEE was originally a separate reserving guideline, but it has now been incorporated into XXX. It covers the problem of term like universal life policies. It was originally proposed when companies started guaranteeing that a universal life policy would remain in force regardless of what happens to the account value…

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Waiver Waiver of Monthly Deductions for Flexible Premium Universal Life Insurance Policies 14. Flexible premium universal life insurance policies do not require specified premiums as traditional policies do. The “waiver” benefit entities offer is a “waiver of monthly deductions” benefit as opposed to a “waiver of premium” benefit. The difference being specific premiums may or…

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Operational Risk 2005 02 – SOA – Operational Risk, by Michel Rochette, The Actuary, Society of Actuaries – [link] 2008 – SOA – A New Approach for Managing Operational Risk: Addressing the Issues Underlying the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, Society of Actuaries – 91p Operational risk increases significantly when an organization experiences rapid growth. Growth typically involves…

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Solvency Modernization (EX) Task Force – NAIC The NAIC’s Solvency Modernization Initiative (SMI) began in June 2008 SMI will focus on five key solvency areas: capital requirements, international accounting, insurance valuation, reinsurance, and group regulatory issues. SMI Roadmap 2014 0814 – NAIC White Paper THE U.S. NATIONAL STATE-BASED SYSTEM OF INSURANCE FINANCIAL REGULATION…

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OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development     Year-? – OEDC – Encouraging a Dynamic Life Insurance Industry: Economic Benefits and Policy Issues, by by Gerry Dickinson, Professor and Director, Centre for Insurance & Investment Studies, City University Business School, London – 10p These long-term savings generated by life insurance companies can also…

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Risk Management ERM – Enterprise Risk Management Risk Management in the Business Enterprise: Mehr, Robert 2015 – LR – The Role of the Profit Imperative in Risk Management – 58p

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