Liability 1986 0121 0122 – GOV (House) – The Liability Insurance Crisis [PDF-553p-GoogIePIay, VIDEO-?]  Testimony – J. Robert Hunter – p279-299 House – Committee on Public Works and Transportation – Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight 1986 0220 and 0221 – GOV (Senate) – The Cost and Availability of Liability Insurance for Small Business. Senate -…

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1990s – Crisis The disaster we fear is the looming crisis of confidence, of lost credibility, of spreading fear among the public and, ultimately, of a “run on the bank” as policyholders pull their money out of the insurance industry. –  (p160) —  Prepared Statement: Martin D. Weiss, President, Weiss Research, Inc. 1991 0227, 0507, 0509…

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Crisis 2008 Financial Crisis Crisis in Confidence Crisis – 1990s FCIC – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Liability Crisis We’ve all heard a lot about the junk bond crisis. Is the next crisis going to be junk illustrations? —  Judy Faucett 1991 – SOA – Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 20p 2009 – AP – Reflections on Northern…

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Functional Regulation vs Entity Regulation Gary Hughes, ACLI, SOA Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLBA) Banks, Insurance, Securities, CFTC 1985 – LR – Functional Regulation: Looking Ahead – 25p 1998 – LR – Functional Regulation of Bank Insurance Activities: The Time Has Come, Linda Birkin Tigges – 35p 1959 – LC – 91. SEC v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co.,…

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The Systemic Risk Council ….former government officials and financial and legal experts committed to addressing regulatory and structural issues relating to global systemic risk, with a particular focus on the United States and Europe. Members: Sheila Bair – Founding Chair of Systemic Risk Council Former FDIC Chair Brooksley Born – Former U.S. Commodity Futures…

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2008 – AIG 10k – For the fiscal year ended December 31 2008 – AIG 10k, For the fiscal year ended December 31 – SEC-link-345p 2008 – AIG 10k, For the fiscal year ended December 31 – 344p-AIG 2008 – AIG 10k, For the fiscal year ended December 31 – 412p-SEC (p3) – AIG’s primary…

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