Hank Greenberg Hank Greenberg – Former AIG CEO Starr International Company 2009 0402 – GOV (House – Oversight and Reform) – The Collapse and Federal Rescue of AIG and What It Means for the U.S. – [PDF-87p, VIDEO-CSPAN]  FCIC – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission FCIC – Fact Sheet on AIGFP, Hank Greenberg – 13p Financial Crisis Inquiry…

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AIG – Securities Lending – Timeline Secured Borrowing Facility 2007 1010 – AIG – Finance Committee – 2p Mr. Adamczyk reviewed the securities lending program, nothing <Typo-noting> that he program has generated $750 million in pre-tax income in the Past 10 years, $200 million 2006. He reported that liquid assets of approximately $20 billion now exceed…

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FCIC – Securities Lending fcic-static.law.stanford.edu/NARA.FCIC.2016-03-11/FCIC_Finding_Aid.pdf – 2190p, 11 results – “Securities Lending” 2005-12-20 CRC memo re AIGGIG Global Securities Lending Cash, (AIG-FCIC00550171-00550175.pdf)- 5p  Securities Lending – Tom K’s Notes_1.docx 2010-08-31 (Miller, Stroebel) Securities Lending_1.docx Wholesale Funding/Shadow Banking: Real Estate Lending Standards Repo Reserve Primary Fund Securities Lending    

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2008 Financial Crisis – Insurance Regulators Joel Ario – Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Eric Dinallo – New York – Insurance Commissioner Hampton Finer Michael Moriarty Michael McRaith – Illinois Insurance Commissioner / Later FIO Director Sandy Praeger – Kansas Insurance Commissioner / NAIC President Doug Slape – Texas Insurance Department Terri Vaughan – NAIC CEO, Iowa NAIC…

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2008 Financial Crisis – AIG AIG – American International Group – Index Background: Cornelius Vander Starr (aka C. V. Starr) founder of C.V. Starr & Co. (later known as Starr Companies) in Shanghai, China, which became AIG. Maurice Raymond “Hank” Greenberg AIG chairman and chief executive officer 196x-2005 Martin Sullivan CEO AIG : March 14,…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Federal Reserve Scott Alvarez Federal Reserve – General Counsel 2010 0526 – GOV – AIG Under Troubled Asset Relief Program, Panel 1 2010 0526 – FRB / COP – Testimony by Scott G. Alvarez (General Counsel) – Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System before the Congressional Oversight Panel -…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Academics 2010 1021 FCIC Viral Acharya, New York University BN06092021 2010 0908 FCIC William (Bill) Black, University of Missouri 2parts Shiller Stieglitz Michael Greenberger Professor, University of Maryland School of Law; former Director, Division of Trading and Markets, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (1997-1999) FCIC – Hearing – testifying on June 30,…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Treasury Hank Paulson Secretary of the Treasury: 2006 – January 20, 2009\ chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs Neel Kashkari 2010 1102 FCIC Neel Kashkari, Department of the Treasury interim Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability: October 2008 to May 2009, he oversaw the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)…

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COP – Government Testimony 12/10/2008 Rep. Jeb Hensarling Oversight Concerns Regarding Treasury Department Conduct of the Troubled Asset Relief Program House Financial Services Committee 02/05/2009 Elizabeth Warren Pulling Back the TARP: Oversight of the Financial Rescue Program Senate Banking Committee 02/24/2009 Elizabeth Warren A Review of TARP Oversight, Accountability and Transparency for U.S. Taxpayers House…

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IAIS – Documents home.treasury.gov/system/files/311/2018_IAIS_Transparency_Report.pdf sullcrom.com/siteFiles/Publications/SC_Publication_IAIS_Global_Insurance_Capital_Standard.pdf federalregister.gov/documents/2020/10/09/2020-22384/federal-insurance-office-study-on-the-insurance-capital-standard acli.com/public-policy/capital-standards actuaries.org/iaa/IAA/Publications/Public_Statements/IAA/Publications/Formal_Public_Statements.aspx?hkey=a1039f56-c6f5-409a-9ab9-fb78c6d52a1d 2022 09 – IAIS – The role of insurance supervisors in multi-stakeholder approaches to address pandemic protection gaps – 24p This note is prepared jointly by staff members of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii). The views expressed in the…

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