COP – Reports 2008 1210 – COP – Report  (First) – Questions About the $700 Billion Emergency Economic Stabilization Funds – 37p 2009 02 – COP – Report – Modernizing the American Financial Regulatory System – 118p (p86) – As far back as 1871, regulators saw the need for uniform national standards for insurance. That…

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COP – Hearings CSPAN Congressional TARP Oversight Panel: TARP & Financial Stability FRB YouTube Channel – 2009 2009 0114 – COP – Hearing – Modenizing America’s Financial Regulatory Structure, Congressional Oversight Panel [PDF-180p, VIDEO-CSPAN, VIDEO-YouTube] – mp3 twin peaks, reputational risk – John Sununu as meriting consideration Senator SUNUNU. On the issue…

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2010 0610 – COP – Report – The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government’s Exit Strategy, June Oversight Report, Congressional Oversight Panel  2010 0610 – COP – Report – The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government’s Exit Strategy, June Oversight Report, Congressional Oversight Panel  —  [BonkNote]  —  [PDF-337p] (p152)…

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IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards IASB – International Accounting Standards Board 2020 06 – CIA/ICA – Draft Educational Note: IFRS 17 Discount Rates for Life and Health Insurance Contracts – 56p APPENDIX – The nature of contracts with discretionary participating features US2 – In the US, almost all participating business is sold by…

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Universal Life Descriptions – NAIC A proposal to draft a universal life model bill was set forth by the advisory committee to the (A5) Universal Life Insurance Task Force. The advisory committee chairman, James Jackson of Transamerica Occidental Life, indicated that the drafting of such a model bill would be contingent on the ability of…

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Universal Life Descriptions Universal Life – Descriptions – First Universal Life – Company Descriptions Universal Life Insurance – Current Government Descriptions Universal Life – International Descriptions This creature called universal life has evolved from a combination of term insurance and a flexible premium annuity to a range of differing products with various design features. 1983…

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International Solvency Initiatives Working Group – NAIC International Solvency Initiatives Working Group Sept. 11, 2006, Minutes (Attachment Two)  p972 IAIS Solvency & Actuarial Issues Subcommittee, September 2006 Summary of Quebec Meeting by Kris DeFrain (NAIC) (Attachment Two-A) p973 International Solvency Initiatives Working Group July 11, 2006, Minutes (Attachment Two-B) p976

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Regulatory – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A Actuarial Guidelines Actuarial Guideline 38 Aetna v. Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner AIG – Insurance Regulators AIG – Securities Lending – Insurance Regulators Anti-Trust ASOPS – Actuarial Standards of Practice Back to top B Bank-like Basel Benefits Best Interest Standards Back to top C Capital Standards CARVM – Commissioners Annuity Reserve Valuation…

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Universal Life – International Descriptions 2 Universal life is a combination flexible premium, adjustable life insurance policy. The policyholder may select the amount of premium he or she can pay and the policy benefits are those which the premium will purchase. Or, the premium payer may change the amount of insurance and pay premium accordingly.…

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BIS – Bank for International Settlements also seen as “Basle” (1990s) 2010 – BIS – Calibrating regulatory minimum capital requirements and capital buffers: a top-down approach – 2010 01 – BIS / The Joint Forum – Review of the Differentiated Nature and Scope of Financial Regulation Key Issues and Recommendations – 128p Another issue…

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