Liquidation Belth FRB Valuation Loans MR. BELTH: Before you sit down, John, let me ask you a question. Rumor has it that there were some extensive discussions between highly placed life insurance officials and officials of the Federal Reserve in April, 1980. Would you care to discuss exactly what the nature of those conversations was?…

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Problem – Asset Liquidations MR. BELTH: Before you sit down, John, let me ask you a question. Rumor has it that there were some extensive discussions between highly placed life insurance officials and officials of the Federal Reserve in April, 1980. Would you care to discuss exactly what the nature of those conversations was? MR.…

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Amicus Curiae Briefs ACLI MetLife v FSOC – Amici Curiae Briefs NAIC PIABA 2021 0809 – Amicus Brief – PIABA – Public Investors Advocate Bar Association –  8p The Williams decision raises two issues of critical importance to investors. The first is whether insurance carriers may be held to be responsible for the…

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Nevada Richard Bryan – (D-NV) 1989 to 2001 – US Senator Howard Cannon – (D-NV) 1959-1983 – US Senator 1979 0710 and 1017 – GOV (Senate) – FTC Study of Life Insurance Cost Disclosure, Senator Howard Cannon (D-NV)  —  [BonkNote]  Pat McCarran – (D-NV) 1933-1954 – Senator McCarran-Ferguson Act Harry Reid – (D-NV) 1987-2017 – US…

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Johnston & Johnston v Conseco 2013 0403 (Date Filed):  Document: 00512196967 – BRIEF OF APPELLEE, JOHNSTON & JOHNSTON – 65p 2013 0312 – ACLI – Amicus Brief – Johnston and Johnston v Conseco – 24-1/2 – 13-30010 – 54p 24-1 – (p11) – A. Because of the unique nature of flexible premium policies, they do…

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International – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A ASB – Actuarial Standards Board ASIA Back to top B Basel BIS – Bank for International Settlements BOE – Bank of England Back to top C CBIRC – China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission CCIR – Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators  Central Banks China CIA-ICA – Canadian Institute of Actuaries…

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Universal Life Insurance – Government Descriptions Universal life insurance A form of permanent insurance designed to provide flexibility in premium payments and death benefit protection. The policyholder can pay maximum premiums and maintain a high cash surrender value. Alternatively, the policyholder can make minimal payments in an amount only large enough to cover mortality and…

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Bank Holding Company Act of 1956  Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 Bank Holding Company Act – SEC. 4. – 3p FRB – Financial Holding Companies (Section 4(k) of the BHC Act) – [PDF-101p] (Page 4) A company is a nonbank financial company, and thus eligible for a determination by the Council, if it…

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Office of Inspector General – OIG SIGTARP – Special Inspector General for TARP In the United States, Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a generic term for the oversight division of a federal or state agency aimed at preventing inefficient or unlawful operations within their parent agency. Such offices are attached to many federal…

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