Old Old – Index “Little Entente” 1919 – Current Economic Problems: A Series of Readings in the Control of Industrial Development, University of Chicago Press – books.google.com/books/about/Current_Economic_Problems.html?id=xw4ZAAAAYAAJ (p222) – 97. The Irrepressible Crisis. W. H. Lough, Jr. 1898 – Premium Rates, Guarantees, and Illustrations of Policies, New York Life Insurance Company – [GooglePlay-link] 1922 -…

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AAA – IAIS actuary.org/search/content?keys=iais 2015 0206 – AAA to IAIS – RE: Risk-based Global Insurance Capital Standard Public Consultation Document (Dec. 17, 2014), , American Academy of Actuaries – 20p 2015 0501 – AAA to IAIS – Committee Comments To IAIS On Conduct Of Business Risk Draft Paper, American Academy of Actuaries – 4p (p3)…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Index 2008 Financial Crisis ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A AIG – American International Group AIG – Causes of Collapse AIG – Coverup AIG – Insurance Regulators AIG – IntraCompany Lending AIG – Unwinding Ambac – American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation Back to top B Bagehot Bailouts Bankruptcy Barclays Barney Frank BBB to AAA Ben…

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COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# C COP – Congressional Oversight Panel COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – Documents COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – Hearings COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – People COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – Reports COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – Testimony COP – Congressional Oversight Panel –…

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FCIC – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A AIGFP – FCIC AIG – FCIC AIG – FCIC – Documents AIG – FRB – Federal Reserve Board AIG – Life Insurance Companies – FRB AIG – PWC – PricewaterhouseCoopers AIG – Ring Fencing Insurance Companies AIG – Systemic Risk AIG – Unwinding Annuities – AIG – FCIC Back to…

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Law – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A ABA – American Bar Association Agency Law ALI – American Law Institute Amicus Curiae Briefs Anti-Trust Apparent Authority Attorney General Authority Back to top B Bad Faith Bespeaks Caution Doctrine Books – Law Back to top C Class Actions Class Action Settlements Conflicts of Interest Contract Interpretation Contract Law Courts…

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Media – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A ACLI – Media Adjustable Life – Media Advertisements AIG – Media American Banker APNews Archive.org Authors – People A.L. Williams – Media Back to top B Bloomberg Businessweek Bloomberg News Bond Insurers – Media BusinessInsider Back to top C Changing Times Chicago Tribune CNN – Cable News Network Commercial and…

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Reserve Relief Warren Buffet – FCIC Interview – mp3 NAIC Proceedings 1933 198x 2008 Belth Re: ACLI’s Proposed Amendment to Actuarial Guideline XXXVIII — ALIA 2010-2 (Summer) – NAIC Proceedings It is ironic, for example, that state regulators are boasting in Congress about the effectiveness of their capital and reserve requirements in stabilizing insurers even…

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CPSC – Consumer Product Safety Commission cpsc.gov/ Terrence Scanlan James Florio 1987 1027 – GOV (House) – Consumer Product Safety [VIDEO-CSPAN] Terrence Scanlan – one person at the head of the organization William Dannemeyer (R-CA)  The subcommittee holds a hearing on the following bills: H.R. 3343, to amend the Consumer Product Safety Act and related…

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InsureU – NAIC insureuonline.org/ Insure U offers unbiased and trusted consumer resources from the NAIC. The program’s robust website provides consumers with helpful tips and information about insurance—and because individual coverage needs vary, materials are provided for various life situations. The site also features quizzes and public service announcements to help consumers Get Smart About…

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