Premium – Consumer – Universal Life The agent said that Universal Life policy premiums would stay the same, but I came to realize that this is not true of our policies. …what bothers me is that I am afraid that this same misleading information may be the basis of my children’s and grandchildren’s … planning……

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Premium – Actuarial – Universal Life The complications begin with a very simple question: What’s the premium for Universal Life? It could be almost anything. Then what’s the cash value? That depends on the premium. It is the relationship between the premium and cash value that determines the product characteristics of Universal Life. —  Ben…

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Heroes Sandbox Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 Congress added cash value accumulation standards for life insurance policies to the Internal Revenue Code in an effort to keep people from calling ordinary investment arrangements life insurance policies. Representatives from the American Council of Life Insurers said that, if the Heroes Act interest rate rules took effect, the…

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IIPRC – Insurance Compact IIPRC – Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission – Insurance Compact NCOIL collaborated with the NAIC and the NCSL to develop a successful Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact, IPRC, a speed to market vehicle for life insurance products now in force in 41 jurisdictions. 2011 0728 and 1025 – GOV (House) -…

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LineUP – Congressional Hearings – Video Clips   2018 0307 – GOV – Legislative Review of H.R. 5059, the State Insurance Regulation Preservation Act – 1:48:00 VIDEO-Youtube State Insurance Regulation Preservation Act  Ross (FL) v Schwarcz House – Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance – Committee on Financial Services 2008 1007 – GOV (House) – The Causes and…

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LineUP – Congressional Hearings 2011 0914 – GOV – EMERGING ISSUES IN INSURANCE REGULATION – Congressman Reed (RI) [PDF-51p. VIDEO-Senate] Baird Webel, Specialist in Financial Economics, Congressional Research Service Therese M. Vaughan, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Insurance Commissioners Mary A. Weiss, Deaver Professor of Risk, Insurance, and Healthcare Management, Temple University Daniel Schwarcz,…

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Do Some Life Insurance Products Need More Regulation Than Others? 2016 0403 – LIIIWG CC, NAIC Proceedings <Mr. Lovendusky – ACLI> said the ACLI work group thinks that most confusion for consumers involves complex products like universal life, and not Simple products like term life. He said consumers are mostly confused about options, guarantees and…

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MRCAC – Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs Committee – D – NAIC 2020 1208 – MRCAC – Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs (D) Committee – 15p 2021 0413 – MRCAC – Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs (D) Committee – Virtual – 2021 Spring National Meeting – 61p Birny Birnbaum (Center for Economic Justice—CEJ) stated that…

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Conduct – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ I ICP 19 – Conduct of Business (COB) – IAIS Back to top M Market Conduct Market Conduct Regulation vs Solvency Regulation Back to top Q Q: What Policies lead to Lawsuits / Market conduct issues? Back to top

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FSOC – Financial Stability Oversight Council – Index FSOC – Financial Stability Oversight Council ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A Adam Hamm Back to top B Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 Back to top D Daniel Schwarcz Back to top E Eyes Back to top F FSOC – Activities FSOC – AIG FSOC – Annual Reports FSOC –…

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