I Didn’t know Barney Frank (Congressman-Massachusetts): This is a very important hearing because it will begin the public discussion of the extraordinary powers granted to the Federal Reserve by a statute passed in the depths of the depression 60—77 years ago, which had not been used very much. As the Chairman of the Federal Reserve…

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2009 0305 – GOV (House) – Perspectives on Systemic Risk 2009 0305 – GOV (House) – Perspectives on Systemic Risk, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-254p, VIDEO-YouTube-Part 1of2,  VIDEO-YouTube-Part 2of 2] Clip – Bean/ Vaughan – Solvency, did AIG need the money? House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and…

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Q: How Does This System Work? We believe it is very important for the subcommittee, and other committees in Congress with jurisdiction over insurance, to have a sound understanding of how our industry operates….. (p26) —  Gary Hughes (ACLI) 2011 0728 – GOV (House) – Insurance Oversight: Policy Implications for U.S. Consumers, Businesses and Jobs…

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Failures What companies are we talking about when we say companies on the edge? So that we’ll all be on the same plane, I’ve grouped some of the more well-known companies as follows: APPROACHING THE EDGE: Fidelity Mutual?, Mutual of New York?, and Travelers? AT THE EDGE: First Capital, Monarch Life, and Mutual Benefit. OVER…

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Projects – Videos – 1980s 1985 0619 – Corporate Crime EF Hutton program.93489.MP4-M20 https://www.c-span.org/video/?125483-1/coporate-crime-ef-hutton-case&playEvent 1985 0719  – Impact of Tax Reform on Insurance Industry program.141242.MP4-M20 1985 – GOV – Impact of Tax Reform on Insurance Industry 1985 – GOV – Impact of Tax Reform on Insurance Industry – Index https://www.c-span.org/video/?125556-1/impact-tax-reform-insurance-industry 1988 0325 – GOV -…

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Project – Videos – 2000s 2004 1116 – GOV – INSURANCE BROKERAGE PRACTICES – Index 2008 1007 – GOV – THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE AIG BAILOUT 2009 0305 – GOV – Perspectives on Systemic Risk 2009 0923 – GOV – Federal Regulator Perspectives on Financial Regulatory Reform Proposals 2009 – AIG Collapse and Federal…

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Projects – Videos – 1990s 199x- GOV – Garamendi – Problem Deregulation 1991 0509 – GOV – Insurance Company Insolvencies 1991 0522 – GOV – Executive Life Insurance Failure 1992 – 0505 – GOV – Insurance Guaranty Funds and the Involuntary Transfer of Insurance Policies Life Insurance 1991 0509 – GOV – Insurance Company Insolvencies…

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Requests C:\Users\BonkN\dwhelper 2011 1119 – GOV (JEC) – Financial Regulatory Reform: Protecting Taxpayers and the Economy, Geithner – PDF-61p jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2009/11/11.19.09 – Video [Bonk:  Sent request to Contact page – 2022 0929] 2015 0325 – GOV (Senate) – FSOC Accountability Nonbank Designations- PDF-165p VIDEO-CSPAN (The CSPAN Site says “This video was obtained from the Congressional  Committee’s…

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