Too Big to Fail SIFIs – Systemically Important Financial Institutions (p22) – Senator Richard SHELBY (R-AL). A threshold question comes to me: What constitutes ‘‘too big to fail’’? What constitutes that?  Senator SHELBY. How do you define that?  Sheila BAIR – FDIC. It is difficult to define. I think it is market perception as much as…

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Projects – Videos – 2009 2009 0305 – Perspectives on Systemic Risk (Part 1 of 2) 4:30 – Terri Vaughan – AIG wasn’t an Insurance Company House – Committee on Financial Services – Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises 2009 0305 – GOV – Perspectives on Systemic Risk [PDF-254p, VIDEO-youtube-Part 1of 2]…

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Projects – Videos Sandbox – Video – 1980s Sandbox – Video – 1990s Sandbox – Video – 1990s Sandbox – Video – 2000s Sandbox – Video – 2009 Sandbox – Video – 2010s Sandbox – Video – Academic Sandbox – Video – Legal Cases Sandbox – Video – Media Sandbox – Video – Topics Sandbox…

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Company Investments (p20) – Life insurers are the single largest source of corporate bond financial, and hold approximately 18 percent of total U.S. corporate bonds. —  Statement of Patrick S. Baird, Chief Executive Officer, Aegon USA, LLC, On Behalf of the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) 2009 0616 – GOV (House) – Systemic Risk and…

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Old – Legal Cases 1910 – LC – Hunt v. Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance, 167 Ala. 188, 51 So. 1000 (1910) – Feb. 26, 1910 · Alabama Supreme Court – Johnston x2 v Conseco  – one policyholder duty – pay the premium 1912 – LC – SLOCUM v. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO  – 65p…

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Defamation 1964 – LC – New York Times Company v. Sullivan Defamation, Civil Rights, [Bonk: Sounds like Crowd Funding] 2010 0911 – New York Times – The Loneliest Analyst – [link] BankAtlantic accused Richard Bove, a bank analyst, of defamation after he wrote a critical report. He received little support from his peers in…

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FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Jelena McWilliams:  Martin J. Gruenberg: 2011 – July 9, 2011 – November 28, 2012 (Acting), November 29, 2012 – June 5, 2018 Sheila Bair: June 26, 2006 – July 8, 2011 William Isaac –  August 3, 1981 – October 21, 1985 L. William Seidman –  October 21, 1985…

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Run – Triggers Can’t Say Crisis in Confidence Disintermediation Reputational Risk Interest Rates Plenty of things could cause another run on insurance companies. A devastating earnings report or financial filing could set one off. So could comments from public officials. 2008 1114 – NYT – What Happens When Your Insurer Goes Under?, By Ron Lieber – [link]…

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Premium Benefit Pattern – Examples The complications begin with a very simple question: What’s the premium for Universal Life? It could be almost anything. Then what’s the cash value? That depends on the premium. It is the relationship between the premium and cash value that determines the product characteristics of Universal Life. —  Ben H.…

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Coverage Period – Examples 1994-3, NAIC Proceedings – Sample Policy Illustrations (Attachment Four-C) – VanLeer  – John Hancock – p547-563 – 17p 10 Mr. Blumenthal should have also realized that if he needed coverage to last more or less than what was in the illustration, that all he would need to do is adjust his premium funding levels.

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