Benefits – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A Accelerated Benefits ACLI – Benefits Back to top B Benefits Benefits – Actuarial Benefits – Consumer Representatives Benefits – Industry Groups Benefits – NAIC / Regulators Back to top G Guaranteed Premium and Benefits Patterns Summary – NAIC Back to top L LC – Blumenthal v New York Life –…

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Paradigm 1980 – AP – Models in Insurance Paradigms Puzzles  Communications and Revolutions, William S. Jewell – 128p It is a distinct privilege and a personal pleasure to address the 21st ICA on the topic of “Generalized Models of the Insurance Business”.   As I read through the 42 papers offered on this topic, I…

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PWC – Price Waterhouse Cooper AIG Auditors AIG – FCIC -PWC  IKB 2003 0701 – Report – For NCOIL – The Path to Reform – The Evolution of Market Conduct Surveillance Regulation, by PricewaterhouseCoopers and Georgia State University – 117p

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Michael Oxley Michael Oxley – (R-OH) 1981-2007 – US House, June 25, 1981 – January 3, 2007 2001-2007 – Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, January 3, 2001 – January 3, 2007  They have a powerful ally in Chairman Oxley, who’s held a series of ten hearings at least in which he constantly pressurizes…

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Market – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# C Capital Markets Company – Agent Back to top M Market Marketing Marketing Insurance through Banks and Savings and Loans Market Analysis Market Conduct Market Conduct Regulation vs Solvency Regulation Market Failure Market Moving Information Mark to Market Accounting MCAS – Market Conduct Annual Statement – NAIC MRCAC – Market Regulation…

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NALU – National Association of Life Underwriters, cka NAIFA NALU – National Association of Life Underwriters Currently known as NAIFA (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors) William Albus Thomas Gregg Robert Nelson Alan Press Carney Smith Mel G. Todd 1993 0525 –  GOV (Senate) – When Will Policyholders Be Given The Truth About Life…

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Non – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ N NGEs – Non-Guaranteed Elements NGEs – Non-Guaranteed Elements – AAA – American Academy of Actuaries NON Nonbank Nonbank Banks Nonforfeiture Nonguaranteed Nonguaranteed Premium Non – Index Non-Guaranteed Cost Element – ACLI Non-Interest Sensitive Policies Non-Participating Policies Non-Responsive Non-Traditional Non-Traditional Life Insurance Products Non-Traditional Risks NTNI – Nontraditional and Non-insurance Back…

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Kevin McCarty Former Florida Office of Insurance Regulation 2012 President of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners 2014, the NAIC formed the ComFrame Development and Analysis (G) Working Group (CDAWG) – Kevin McCarty (FL) 2015?? – GOV – Pay for Play, IAIS, NAIC reference. Serial No. 110-140 (House Hearing) – Long-Term Care Insurance: Are Consumers…

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Warren Buffet Warren Buffett maintains that the property/casualty business would have gone into run-off, while there would have been a disastrous run on the life insurance companies. Panel staff conversation with Warren Buffett (May 25, 2010). 2010 0610 – COP – Report – The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government’s Exit Strategy…

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Run – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A ACLI – Run – Disintermediation AIG – Run AIG – Securities Lending – Run Back to top D Disintermediation Back to top F FSOC – MetLife – Run on the Bank Back to top I IAIS – Run Back to top L Liquidity – Policy Loans Back to top N…

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