Spencer Kimball 1963 – LR – Regulation of Speciality Policies in Life Insurance, by Spencer L. Kimball and Jon S. Hanson, 62 Michigan Law Review 167 – 93p 1972 – LR – What Price “Price Disclosure”? The Trend To Consumer Protection In Life Insurance, By Spencer L. Kimball and Mark S. Rapaport – 29p Meaningful price disclosure at the…

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Repos 48 A repo facility is one in which the debtor pledges certain securities (“repoable assets”) in exchange for access to a line of liquidity. See Schreiber: Trial Tr. 6584:19 – 6585:3.  (p220) Starr International Company, Inc. v. The United States – Case 1:11-cv-00779-TCW – Document 428 – PLAINTIFFS’ PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT – 573p FCIC…

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Geithner – FCIC Finding Aid 115 results p198 – 57,332 10-01-11 Bloomberg – Geithner rejects Goldman Sachs Assertion It Didn’t Need U.S. Help_1.pdf p214 – Directory of I:\FCIC_draft\Comm. Work Space\R&I Plans\Shadow Banking\Hearing 4\Hearing Background Materials\IV. Secretary Timothy Geithner 1. Secretary Geithner Biography 2. Transcripts or “Memoranda for the Record” (MFR) 3. Significant Speeches and Testimony…

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Ben Bernanke 1996-2002 – Princeton – Professor / Chair  2002-2005 – Member – Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System  2006-2014 – Chair – Federal Reserve (14th)  (p19) – Ben BERNANKE. I think if there is a single episode in this entire 18 months that has made me more angry, I cannot think of…

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Hank Paulson 1970-1972 – Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense at The Pentagon[13-wikipedia] 1972-1973 – assistant to John Ehrlichman, White House Domestic Affairs Advisor for President Nixon 1974-2006 – Goldman Sachs 2006-2009 – Secretary of the Treasury, July 10, 2006 – January 20, 2009 2008 03 – DOTT- Blueprint for Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure,…

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Resolution Authority Fed Window Richard Scott, FCIC MP3 Interview 2014 04 – Book – Modernizing Insurance Regulation – John H. Biggs, Matthew P. Richardson – 304p 2020 0825 – FSB – Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Insurance Sector – 72p NAIC GUARANTY FUNDS NAIC Insurer Receivership Model Act The lack of an appropriate regulatory…

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Tim Geithner New York Fed Treasury COP FCIC GOV fraser.stlouisfed.org/author/geithner-timothy-f FCIC – Geithner – Finding Aid 2014 – Book – Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises, by Tim Geithner MR. BOIES: …But — and for cross-examination, I’m now responding to an assertion made for the very first time that there might be some problem with…

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Troubled Companies During the early 1990s, however, the solvency problems of the life insurance industry increased, climaxing in the failure in 1991 of several large insurers– Executive Life Insurance Company, First Capital Life Insurance Company (EF Hutton) Fidelity Bankers Life Insurance Company, Monarch Life Insurance Company, and Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. Assessments for Executive…

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Systemic Risk – Other 2021 01 – GAO – Macroprudential Oversight, Principles for Evaluating Policies to Assess and Mitigate Risks to Financial System Stability- GAO-21-230SP, Government Accountability Office – 35p 2015 07 – IMF – United States – Systemic Risk Oversight and Management – Technical Note, (FSAP) Financial Sector Assessment Program International Monetary Fund – 78p

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