Eyes Terri Vaughan (NAIC CEO):  So it is a very collaborative system, and I will say it has not always been that way. This is something that has taken us years to get to. And the NAIC has staff support that helps to make sure that that collaboration occurs when it needs to occur. 2011 0914…

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AIG – OTS OTS – Office of Thrift Supervision Michael Finn Joseph Gonzales, the examiner in charge from April 2004 to November 2006, told FCIC staff, “I overheard one employee saying that Joe Cassano felt that [the OTS was] overreaching our scope by going into FP.”66  (p351) 2011 01 – FCIC – Final Report of…

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AIG – Securities Lending – Insurance Regulators Q: Did Insurance Regulators tell AIG to Wind-Down their Securities Lending Business? (18) – Baxter: When you look at what happened with AIG’s securities borrowing program, in a nutshell, AIG’s insurance companies held Treasury securities, which they lent out for cash. Then they used that cash to buy…

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Securities Lending – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A AIG – Different Investment Strategies re: Mortgage Backed Securities – AIGFP vs AIG Securities Lending AIG – Securities Lending AIG – Securities Lending – Counterparties AIG – Securities Lending – Dinallo AIG – Securities Lending – Government Hearings AIG – Securities Lending – Insurance Companies AIG – Securities Lending…

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FRB – Securities Lending On October 6, 2008, all five Board members voted to authorize the New York Reserve Bank to lend up to $37.8 billion to AIG secured by the investment grade debt securities previously lent by AIG’s insurance subsidiary to third parties (the Securities Lending Facility).  (p The proceeds of the loan allowed…

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AIG – Legal Cases American International Group, Inc. 2008 Securities Litigation Starr International Company Transatlantic Holdings vs American International Group Securities Lending sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/5272/000104746913001390/R27.htm 2022 – LC – In re: AIG FINANCIAL PRODUCTS CORP Case 22-11309 Doc 2 Filed 12/14/22 Page 1 of 62 DECLARATION OF WILLIAM C. KOSTUROS, CHIEF RESTRUCTURING OFFICER OF THE DEBTOR, IN…

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AIG – PWC – PricewaterhouseCoopers 2007 02 – PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Committee Notes – 3p 2007 0808 PWC Memo to AIGFP 2007 2Q Review Files.pdf – 2p 2007 1011 – PWC Notes of a Meeting at AIGFP – 3p 2007 1106 – AIG – Audit Committee – 14p 2007 1022 – PWC – Notes of a telephone conversation…

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Win Neuger – AIG Win Neuger – chief executive officer, chairman, and director at AIG Global Investment Corporation “Ten-Cubed” 2009 0602 – HuffPost – Liddy Letter: AIG Plans To Award Bonuses Even If Taken Over By US – [link] 2010 0629 – LC – Transatlantic vs AIG – Affirmation of Anthony J. Albanese – 116p 2010 0701 – businessinsider…

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Technical – NAIC Neither the former (C4) Life, Accident and Health Insurance Technical Subcommittee nor the present Life, A&H Technical Staff Actuarial Group has appointed any advisory committee or group to work specifically on this topic. This topic was described under the topic heading “Completely Flexible Life Insurance Plans (Universal Life Insurance Plans)” in the…

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LIAC – Life Insurance Committee – (A) – NAIC 2023 – NAIC – LIAC – Fall Meeting – 112p Agenda Item #4 – Hear a Presentation on Consumer Financial Literacy vs. Life Insurance and Annuities Illustrations —Birny Birnbaum (Center for Economic Justice—CEJ) and Brenda J. Cude (University of Georgia) 2020 1110 – LIAC – NAIC…

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