2021 – IAIS – Consultation – Insurer Culture 2021 – IAIS – Public Consultation on draft Issues Paper on Insurer Culture  —  [BonkNote] 2021 0623 – IAIS – Draft Issues Paper on Insurer Culture For public consultation, 23 June 2021 – 32p 2021 0823 – IAIS – Resolution of public consultation comments on draft Issues…

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Systemic Risk – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A ACLI – Systemic Risk AIG – Systemic Risk Back to top C Contagion Back to top N NAIC – Systemic Risk Back to top P Panic Back to top Q Q: Can the Insurance Industry Create Systemic Risk? Q: Is the Insurance Industry Exposed to Systemic Risk? Q: What…

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Dixie Noonan 2010 0330 – FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Patrick Parkinson, Federal Reserve Board (Interview 1) [Andrew] Forster  Gene Park 2010 0513 – D Noonan ltr to B Rohde re Park Interview_1.pdf [Robert] Lewis  [Pierre] Micottis Eric Dinallo Background Information Hank Greenberg 2010 0622 –  FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Mark Hutchings,…

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Investments – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A ABS – Asset-Backed Securities ABS – Asset-Backed Securities ABX Affiliate Transactions Assets Asset Management Back to top B Bonds Bond Lending Back to top C CDO – Collateralized Debt Obligation CDS Spreads CDS – Credit Default Swaps CDS – Credit Defaut Swaps – Insurance CLO – Collateralized Loan Obligation CMO…

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Permanent Plan of Insurance Permanent Plan Permanent Life Insurance Why is Universal Life Insurance sometimes called Whole or Permanent? Universal Life as Permanent / Whole / Other Term Perm The … company is to determine for itself which of its plans are to be treated as term insurance and which as permanent. The original instructions…

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Policy Conversion The option of conversion to permanent insurance without evidence of insurability began to be common in term policies on this continent during the 1890’s. 1949 – SOA – Term Conversion Option, Elgin G. Fassel, Society of Actuaries – 42p

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Guarantee – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A AIG – Company Guarantees to Subsidiaries AIG – GIAs – Guaranteed Investment Agreements Back to top F FGIC – Federal Insurance Guaranty Corporation Financial Guarantee Insurance Back to top G GICS – Guaranteed Investment Contracts GMF – Guaranteed Maturity Fund GMP – Guaranteed Maturity Premium Guaranteed Guaranteed Gross Premium Guaranteed…

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Guaranteed Nonguaranteed   GICS – Guaranteed Investment Contracts Guarantees Guaranteed Maturity Fund (GMF) Guaranteed Maturity Premium

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