Premiums and Benefits – Coverage Period Coverage Period – Examples g. Clarifying “Coverage Period Description” The Working Group discussed what information is intended to be included. Mr. Yanacheak said this is intended to capture how long a policy’s term is—a term of years or for life. Mr. Birnbaum said it is intended to answer the…

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AAA to Government AAA – American Academy of Actuaries Re: Initial Comments on Release Nos. 33-8933 & 34-58022 (File No. S7-14-08): Proposed Rule 151A 2005 06 – AAA to GAO – Questions from Phone Conference with GAO On March 31, 2005, American Academy of Actuaries – 5p 1. A brief background on broad categories of…

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Except For example, a rapid growth of substantial sales in financial products or transactions by a particular company that are highly dependent on borrowing or other financial transactions, may be one potential indicator of possible risk to financial stability. In addition, the insurance industry has historically demonstrated the ability of other companies to assume the…

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Premiums and Benefits – Cash Value Mr. Reyna said the policy overview should help consumers understand how cash value accumulates and can work to their advantage over time. Mr. Wicka acknowledged that the issue is complicated because a lot depends on how the policy is funded; however, just the knowledge that the policy has cash…

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ACLI – Premiums and Benefits 11. Review Your Life Insurance Program Every Few Have your premiums or benefits changed since your policy was issued? 2018 0218 – ACLI Comments on Draft 2/9/2018 – conference call 2-26-18 1981 0831 – ACLI – Statement of the American Council of Life Insurance Before the NASAA NAIC Joint Regulatory Insurance…

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Premiums, Costs, Values and Benefits Premiums and Benefits – Index P1P2 – Policy Mechanics / Cash Flow / Language In the case of true Universal Life…the product is modular and adjusts instantaneously to changes in benefits, premiums, and experience. —   George R. Dinney: 1982 – SOA – Programs to Conserve Traditional Life Insurance Policies, Society of…

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Documents Documents – Index 1957 – Pennsylvania – The Sale Of Life Insurance By Mutual Savings Banks, by General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, JOINT STATE GOVERNMENT COMMISSION – 80p

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Emerging Accounting Issues Working Group – NAIC re: Bond Lending / <Securities Lending> There was also some discussion of the lack of liquidity associated with this program and it was felt that that is certainly consideration which must be taken into effect by companies contemplating such transactions. 1986-1, NAIC Proceedings – Minutes Working Group on Emerging Issues…

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Real Estate CMBS RMBS Farms MetLife (p37) – In this connection we believe it is important to note that problems in the financial sector that could potentially affect market stability are not confined to banking. In recent years many securities firms have experienced significant losses, and there have been record numbers of insurance firm failures.…

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