Design Elements Other design elements, I mentioned the way the cost of insurance charge increases as you get older, how that interacts in fact with the net amount at risk which several of the witnesses commented on, and it’s a very complex system. But LSW well understands the system. How many policyholders understand the system?…

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Material It’s amazing what plaintiffs’ lawyers deem to be material for purposes of the sale. Was it material that an agent received 95% of the first year’s premium? Was it material that the agent could have sold you essentially the same policy, particularly in a universal life scenario, and received only 40%? Those are things…

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Concepts It is these concepts or the uses of the products and not the illustrations that are the difficulties here. —  George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) 1994 – SOA – Problems and Solutions for Product Illustrations, Society of Actuaries – 28p We are a research…

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NAIC – Illustration Model Regulation – Comments Walker v LSW – Judge – Video NAIC Proc – 1990s – end of Working Group  – Good Job One of the first things that a serious reader of the NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation will realize is that it is not a tightly written document. — …

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Memory About this same time the baby boom generation hit the insurance industry, both in the ranks of agents and actuaries, bringing with it a lack of any memory of harder times. —  William C. Koenig – [Northwestern Mutual] 1991 – SOA – Disclosure Systems: Can an Ideal Method be Found?, Society of Actuaries -…

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Problem – Interest Rate Assumptions We believe current illustrated rates are much higher than what is reasonably expected over the course of the policy and may lead to consumer disappointment, which could negatively impact the entire industry. —  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York Life Insurance Company and Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company 2014 0812…

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Bonk – Kinds of Policies Perm or Term The … company is to determine for itself which of its plans are to be treated as term insurance and which as permanent. The original instructions gave as a suggested definition of term insurance “that it is any policy with a premium rate less than 90% of…

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Bonk – Illustrations It is probably true that most of the information needed is already in illustrations but doesn’t get to the consumer because of their limited attention span or because of how the information is presented. Though it is usually not stated so simply, in the area of llustrations, format not content is the…

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