Great Depression The life insurance industry takes great pride in its survival of the depression, although it seems to me that it was bailed out by government intervention. I wonder if the time may come again, say if the prime rate goes to 38%, that the life insurance industry will need to be bailed out…

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Reassurance HISTORY OF LIFE REASSURANCE It is somewhat difficult to trace the history of life reassurance from its inception, but it is clear from such records as are available that reassurance has been transacted for at least a hundred years. In 1849 it appears that a Reassurance Agreement was concluded between certain Scottish offices, which…

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Illustration Actuary Back in Chicago on February 13, 1996, there was an ACLI meeting where Bob Wilcox, who is the Commissioner of Insurance in Utah, said that there were four guiding principles to the entire illustration actuary movement. He said the process has been going on for several years at the NAIC level to,…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Causes AIG AIGFP Securities Lending / Repos GICs Risk Management Generally CDS, CDOs Derivatives Fear / Greed GLBA – Gramm–Leach–Bliley – Repeal of Leverage Mark to Market Accounting Monolines MBIA, AMBAC Mortgages Origination Subprime Rating Agencies Moody’s, Fitch, Standard and Poors Real Estate RMBS CMBS Regulation OTS State Insurance Regulators SEC…

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Credit Ratings External credit enhancement is very popular and very easy to understand. It’s very easy for the investors to analyze. If one of these firms is insuring the bonds, the rating agency doesn’t even look at the transaction. It looks at financial statements of the entity insuring the bonds. It’s a very simple analysis.…

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Core Business By contrast, the core business of an insurance company is transferring and pooling risk.258 If premiums are prepaid, this does not necessarily entail any short-term borrowing. That means that the risk that an insurance company will have to sell large quantities of assets is smaller. This is not to say that insurance companies…

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Walker v LSW – Depositions 2013 1211 – DOC 735-`2 (215p) : Deposition of Michael Tivilini – Snippets – Walker v LSW 2011 1107 – DOC 748-2 (46p) – Deposition of Donna Morgan – Snippets – Waker v LSW 2012 0127 – DOC – DEPOSITION OF JOYCE WALKER, Volume 1 2012 0426 – DOC -…

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