Martin Sullivan – AIG 2010 0617 – FCIC – Transcript of Interview with Martin Sullivan_1.pdf – 139p FCIC Hearing – Phil Angelides FCIC Interview – mp3, pdf Gov Hearings Included in 2007 net income and adjusted net income was a charge of $11.47 billion pretax ($7.46 billion after tax) for unrealized market valuation losses related…

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AIG Trading Group ROBERT FEILBOGEN, Plaintiff, ROBERT FEILBOGEN v. AIG TRADING GROUP INC. and AIG FINANCIAL PRODUCTS CORP., Defendants. – No. 3:03CV1624(DJS) In early 2003, the decision was made to integrate the operations of Trading into AIGFP.  (p9) In March or April of 2003, Feilbogen traveled to London to meet with Joe Cassano, the…

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AIG – Main Issues AIG – Different Investment Strategies re: Mortgage Backed Securities – AIGFP vs AIG Securities Lending Who Was Responsible for AIG Securities Lending? AIG – Collateral Call Provisions – Was it Known About /  Common? 2010-0630-AIG-Risk-Management – 29p 2016 0916 – FRB – Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee – 85p (p5)…

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State Insurance Regulation State insurance regulation was not a factor in the economic downturn and should not be swept into any proposed financial services overhaul. 2009 0402 – NCOIL Letter to Senators Dodd, Frank, Shelby, Bachus – 2p

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The Insurance Field GooglePlay 1914 0814 – The Insurance Field – Another Novelty Exploded, By PERCY C. H. PAPPS – p11

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Panic Panic of 1907 Panic of 1857 Insurance Panic 2013 0621 – AP – The Failures that Ignited America’s Financial Panics: A Clinical Survey, by Hugh Rockoff – 52p FCIC – Geithner – 50p 2009 1210 – COP – Hearing – Hearing With Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Congressional Oversight Panel  —  [BonkNote]  —  [PDF-98p,  VIDEO-CSPAN]   (p78) – Tim…

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Who Can Call Themselves an Actuary? Quoting Humpty-Dumpty, “When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean,” the speaker predicted that the day is passing when the word “actuary” can be used by anybody to mean whatever that person chooses it to mean. Those who apply the word “actuary” to…

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1978 – GOV (House) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure 1978 0807, 0814 and 0815 – GOV (House) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure, John Moss (D-CA)  —  [BonkNote] [PDF-1049p-GooglePlay]  –  []  1978 12 – GOV (House-Report) – Life Insurance Marketing and Cost Disclosure Report Together with Dissenting Views, John Moss (D-CA)  — …

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