Account Value Enhancement – Walker v LSW (p175-176) MR. FOSTER: And just to be clear, Your Honor, the issue was that there was testimony where Mr. Tivilini was talking about the account value enhancement and that the company would have to actually fulfill the account value enhancement. The parties had agreed that none of that…

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Free Insurance – Walker v LSW (p163-4) – Expectation = No Charges after 10 years – Howlett  Q And you thought after those ten years there would be no charges for the rest of your life for life insurance; correct? A I thought there would be no more charges for the rest of my life.…

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Tax-Free Retirement Concept – Walker v LSW Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 – p27 (p165-167) – Tax-Free retirement, DeSantos Newletter Q Isn’t it true, though, that one of the biggest hits for the Provider and Paragon product from a marketing perspective…

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Policy Mechanics / Cash Flow Elements – Walker v LSW (p171) – The fact that we charge people fees that we have disclosed and that fees reduce the value of your policy, and if your policy keeps reducing in value, it will lapse, is not a fraud. That’s common sense. That’s how life insurance works. 2014…

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To Do List – Walker v LSW 2014 0423 – DOC 812 – Trial Transcript – Day 10 – Walker v LSW – 194p (p142-147-Print Out) – zero percent floor,/ Policy Mechanics – Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27>

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Jury – Walker v LSW (p138-139) – Jury Instructions THE COURT: Well, let me tell you what I plan to do. With regard to the provisions in the insurance code, I’m going to add those to page 37. That’s the provision that you can’t be held liable by being required to do something the law…

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Defective – Lapse Prone – Walker v LSW Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> (p131) – Defective, lapse prone Q Have you ever heard in your 20 years of experience in the industry of the phrase “a policy defect”? A Only…

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Lapse – Walker v LSW Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> (p129-131) – Lapse Q Are you familiar with something known as a policy lapsing? A Yes. Q And what does it mean for a policy to lapse? A To me…

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Sources of Information for Consumers – Walker v LSW Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> (p123) – other ways that potential policyholders could learn .. Tax Benefits <General Info> A I think there are many ways out there if you just…

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Floors – Walker v LSW Matthew DeSantos – LSW’s Senior Vice-President of Distribution and Business Development (himself a former insurance agent) – DOC 792 p27> (p114-5) – zero percent floor concept A So with a policy like an IUL, if the S&P 500, like, say, you know, in 2008 had negative return, an IUL provides…

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