AIG – Securities Lending – Legal Cases Transatlantic vs AIG 2009 – LC – AIG Glob. Sec. Lending Corp. v. Banc of Am. Sec. LLC   United States District Court Southern District of New York Civil Action No. – 01 Civ. 11448 (JGK) Memorandum of Defendant Banc of America Securities LLC In Support of Its Motion…

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Senate – Banking Committe Hearings Silences 1980s CSPAN   2008 0729 The State of the Insurance Industry – <mp4, mp3> 2009 0205 – Pulling Back The TARP: Oversight Of The Financial Rescue Program – Warren (COP), Dodaro (GAO), Barofsky (SIGTARP) – <mp4, mp3> 2009 0210 – OVERSIGHT OF THE FINANCIAL RESCUE PROGRAM A NEW PLAN…

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Department of Commerce “bureau of industrial economics” Variable Life Under the variable policy, the death payment rises or falls depending on investment results ; but a minimum death benefit is guaranteed. The insurance company assets that underly the benefits of variable life insurance are held in separate accounts invested principally in equity – type securities.…

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ACTEX Learning – Mad River Books 60, (4) Guaranteed Maturity Premium. 61, (5) Guaranteed Maturity Expense Charge. 62, (6) Guaranteed Maturity Cost of Insurance.

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Morningstar 2011 0707 – The Future of Financial Planning Regulation: None of the current regulatory regimes truly regulates financial planning. – Mercer Bullard – [link] 2022 0131 – Confessions of a Barred Broker: ‘I was naive. I wish I had been more educated on the peril I was facing.’  by John Kador  re: Jeffrey…

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Turning BBB into AAA 2Q – AIG – Earnings Conference Call – Joseph Cassano 2010 04 – GOV – WALL STREET AND THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: THE ROLE OF INVESTMENT BANKS – Levin govinfo – Volume 4 OF 5 – [pdf-1136p CSPAN – Investment Banks and the Financial Crisis, Directors- R – [link] Fabrice Tourre, Dan…

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2008 Financial Crisis – Investigations COP – Congressional Oversight Panel FCIC – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Senate – Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations SIGTARP – Special Inspector General for TARP

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AIG – Documents AIG – Index AIG – Audit Committee AIG – Board of Directors AIG – Credit Risk Committee AIG – Finance Committee AIG – FCIC – Documents AIG – FCIC – PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) – 109 Results – 145 Results – 429 Results 2007 0809 – AIG – AIG Residential Mortgage…

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