Joel Ario Pennsylvania / Oregon Insurance Commissions Eyes (p8) –  Our job is to follow those complaints and address them in our marketplace and make that marketplace work for consumers at the local level. NAIC – Joel S. Ario, Insurance Administrator, Oregon Insurance Division, Secretary Treasurer, National Association of Insurance Commissioners 2003 0506 – GOV (House)…

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Universal Life – Marketing Richard F. Fisher sums up his viewpoint thus : Universal Life is marketed as a tax-free money market fund, or other short-term investment vehicle, with term insurance available to be purchased from the fund. Current high short-term yields are illustrated for very long periods of years. Continuance of the term piece…

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To Do – 2022 03 COP – DOTs 2010 0610 – COP June Report – The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government’s Exit Strategy – 337p 2010 0526 – COP Hearing – Tarp and Other Government Assistance for AIG [PDF-241p, VIDEO-YouTube] – mp3 Testimony – Michael Moriarty, New York State Insurance Department,…

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ACLI – International 2013 0531 – ACLI to FASB – Re: File Reference No. 2012-260: Proposed Accounting Standards Update, Financial Instruments—Credit Losses (Subtopic 825-15) – 15p 2013 1015 – ACLI to FSB – re: MetLife Inc. response to August 12, 2013 FSB Consultative Document on the Application of the Key Attributes (the “KAS”) of Effective Resolution…

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Mutual Benefit Life Mutual Benefit Life → MBL Life Assurance Corporation → SunAmerica → American International Group (AIG) Alan J. Bowers Palmieri and Company John A. Koskinen, Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget – [link] … successfully restructured Baldwin-United Corporation, a large diversified financial services company;  … rehabilitated Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company,…

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Run – Examples No Runs on Life Insurance The events of 1980 when policy loans, surrenders, the shortfall of pension inflows, and scattered withdrawals of employee benefit funds forced sizeable borrowings and even some asset liquidations to meet the drain are not necessarily a unique set of circumstances. 1983-2, NAIC Proceedings 2008 – Financial Times -…

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2014 1218 – FSOC – re: MetLife – Basis for the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s Final Determination Regarding Metlife, Inc – 31p 2014 1218 – FSOC re: MetLife – Basis for the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s Final Determination Regarding Metlife, Inc – 31p (p22) – [Surrender Disincentives] – Although these products generally are considered to be long-term liabilities and…

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