Bond Insurers – Media Monolines MGIC Investment Radian Group  ACA Maryland Insurance Administration – Company Regulator FCIC – Interview – mp3 Bear Stearns AIGFP Ambac Wisconsin Insurance Commission – Company Regulator subsidiary – Connie Lee Assured Guaranty Berkshire Hathaway Assurance New York Insurance Commission – Company Regulator Capital Markets Assurance Corporation CIFG Holding Financial Guaranty…

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Dots – Solvency The concern was not just with the “twisting” replacements, but was the impact of justified replacements on the solvency of replaced companies. 1982-2, NAIC Proceedings

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Dots – Policyholder Runs No Runs on Life Insurance Run – Examples 2015 DOC 100-4 – Transcript MetLife/FSOC Meeting 2014 11 03 – 190p – (p18) Destabilizing runs have not and will not occur in the insurance industry, for the reasons I just mentioned. So, my point there isn’t that an insurance can’t fail. My point is…

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Dots – Unfair and Deceptive Deceptive One of the problems is that the notion of what is unfair and deceptive is not objective. 2010 0331 – FCIC – Interview of Alan Greenspan, Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board – 12p  ul – semantics- soa EF Hutton ad graph – Same Benefits [Mortgages vs Life…

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Stanley Tulin Milliman & Robertson AXA/ Equitable Coopers& Lybrand RGA Balwin-United C-3 Risk, Solvency, Problem Solving, Responsibility “Case Studies,” Shane A. Chalke, Mark G. Doherty, Patricia L. Guinn, and Stanley B. Tulin, RSA, 18, 1992, p. 1243 Past ACLI Board Legal Case – Executive Life – California. Supreme Court. Records and Briefs, S030615, Petition for…

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Dots – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A AIG – Can’t Say Back to top D Dots Dots – Add – What happened First AIGFP or AIGSL? Dots – AIG Dots – AIG – Damage to Economy Dots – AIG – Federal Reserve (FRB) – Department of Treasury (DOTT) Dots – AIG – GICS Dots – AIG –…

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Equitable Life 1905 – AP – The Cost of Life Insurance, Allan H. Willett – 25p 1954 – AD – Adjustable Whole Life – Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. – [link] 1990 1027 – The Guardian – Which Company would you buy your Pension from? – [Ad] –  1990 1128 – NYT – Equitable Life Denies…

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Rumors (b) Listen to the rumors. One interesting fact about rumors: they are often true. Also, rumors tend to run ahead of public disclosure of significant problems. It is important to pay attention to what is being said in the street about particular companies. It is also important to consider such information carefully so that…

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