People – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# A Academic – People ACLI – People Actuarial – People Adam Hamm Adam Sosnick AIG – People Alan Frost – AIG Alan Grayson Alan Greenspan Alan Press Alan Richards Alessandro luppa Allen Stanford Andrew Forster – AIG Andrew Tobias Anna Rappaport Arthur Milton Arthur Morris Art Williams Authors – People Back…

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AIG – Potential Damage to the Economy Nothing Millstein Dinallo – ATMs 2010 0127 – GOV – Kanjorski, Paulson, Geithner, Cleaver?? Among the points highlighted for lawmakers was that A.I.G. was one of the 10 most widely held stocks in 401(k) retirement plans, and that its collapse could potentially cause an enormous run on mutual…

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2010 0701 – FCIC – 2008 Financial Crisis and Derivatives – Day 2 – Regulators Panel 2010 0701 – FCIC – Hearing – 2008 Financial Crisis and Derivatives, Day 2, Regulators Panel – [PDF-313p, VIDEO-CSPAN] Eric Dinallo (NY Insurance Regulator), Gary Gensler (CFTC), Clarence Lee (OTS) 21:00 – How come we didn’t see…

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Dots – Life Insurance as Retirement Plan – LIRP Book – LIRP MetLife PBS 199x – GOV – Single Premium Life Insurance? 1985 – GOV – Beck Dinney – Life Insurance as a game In its June 7, 1994 Consent Order #94-102, the NJDBI cited N.J.S.A. 17B:30-3 and N.J.A.C. 11:2-23.4 and subsequently fined MetLife $965,555…

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AIG – Board of Directors AIG – Board of Directors Minutes 2008 0312 – AIG Board of Directors Minutes – 53p 2008 0505 – AIG Board of Directors Minutes – 3p 2008 0506 – AIG Board of Directors Minutes – 4p 2008 0508 – AIG Board of Directors Minutes – 26p 2008 0514 – AIG…

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Q: Why was AIG Bailed Out? “One of the reasons we had to rescue AIG was the fact that it was going to bring down Europe,” Pennsylvania Rep. Paul Kanjorski told reporters after his subcommittee held a hearing on systemic risk. Later, in an interview with Reuters, Kanjorski said he was told that a large…

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How Does US Insurance Regulation compare to Other US Federal Regulation? (p16) – Mr. ROSS. And that causes less stringent regulation? Mr. SCHWARCZ. Of course. If you— Mr. ROSS. To whom? What about the State regulator? Are you demeaning the State regulator by saying they don’t require stringent regulation? 2018 0307 – GOV (House) -…

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AIG – Bonuses (p79) – Mr HENSARLING. (R-Texas): Mr. Liddy, I spent about 12 years in the private sector before coming to Congress, and I know we have talked about the bonuses ad nauseam. But… 2009 0318 – GOV (House) – American International Group’s Impact on the Global Economy: Before, During, and After Federal Intervention

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