Pentagon Military 1998 0918 – Washington Post – Pentagon Bars Life Insurance Firm Because of ‘Deceptive’ Practices, (Academy Life Insurance Co.), by Bradley Graham – [link]  —  Military ⇒ Academy Life Insurance Co.   A series of articles 24 years ago published by the Army/Navy/Air Force Times documented many of the same practices that Defense Department officials find…

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2008 0407 – (DoD) – Commercial Solicitation of Military Personnel on DoD Installations – Inspector General Report (Department of Defense) – Report No. D-2008-075 April 7, 2008 – 47p 2008 0407 – (DoD) – Commercial Solicitation of Military Personnel on DoD Installations – Inspector General Report (Department of Defense) – Report No. D-2008-075 April 7,…

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Gregory Serio 2001-2005 – New York, Superintendent of Insurance 4/5/2001-1/17/2005 2004 0922 – GOV (Senate-Banking) – Examination and Oversight of the Condition and Regulation of the Insurance Industry – [PDF-104p, VIDEO – Error]  2004 1116 – GOV (Senate) – Oversight Hearing on Insurance Brokerage Practices, including Potential Conflicts of Interest and the Adequacy of the Current Regulatory…

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2005 – GAO – Financial Product Sales: Actions Needed to Better Protect Military Members – 88p 2005 – GAO – Financial Product Sales: Actions Needed to Better Protect Military Members, gao-06-23  —  [BonkNote]   —   88p  —  [link] Richard J. Hillman – Managing Director, Financial Markets and Community Investment (p23) –  In addition to efforts by insurance regulators, law…

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AIG – Revenue Based on revenues, domestic general insurance (30.7 percent) and foreign life insurance and retirement services (31.2 percent) are the largest operating segments of the company. The other segments of the conglomerate include: domestic life and retirement services (14.3 percent), foreign general (10.8percent), financial services (8.0 percent), and asset management (5.0 percent).  (p12)…

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Blank What does Blank mean by Blank? NAIC Working Groups IULISG – Indexed Universal Life Illustrations Subgroup – NAIC Industry Rep – Policy Mechanics Minnesota? Insurance Department – Agents = Wildcard Wink – That’s on you Illustrations Birney Birnbaum – (Consumer Rep, CEJ) Premium / Illustration – Letter Plan of Insurance Shopping Brenda Cude -…

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Research Resources Needed Federal Government doesn’t know about insurance OFR / FIO Woodall / Schwarcz – ALI Video – Young Scholars – Youtube Kanjorski – Office of Insurance Information>> NAIC Eyes Library – CIPR Working Groups Mr. ROSS. Would that be why the GAO report, then, explains that there is insufficient staff support for these…

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