Dynamic Products NGEs Policyholder Behavior George Coleman said he hoped this is a dynamic document. —  George Coleman, Prudential, ACLI, TRG-Technical Resource Group for the NAIC (Industry Advisory Group – Illustrations) 1994-, NAIC Proceedings This paper develops a model which can be used to help life insurance consumers decide how much insurance to purchase. The original…

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Websites ethicaledgeconsulting.com/ glenndaily.com/ kitces.com/ Morningstar PBS thekomisarscoop.com/ 2004 1117 – Cooking the Insurance Books: A Decade of Lax Regulation Lays Groundwork for Scandal, By Lucy Komisar CorpWatch – corpwatch.org/article/cooking-insurance-books White Coat Investor Youtube 2016 0316 – KITCES.com – How Life Insurance Loans Really Work And Why It’s Problematic To “Bank On Yourself” – [link]

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1950s – Newspapers 1950 1208 – NYT – Life Concerns Gird Against Atom Risk – [link] 1958 0422 – Ocala Star Banner – Boom in Life Insurance – [link]

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Magazines BusinessInsider Businessweek Changing Times Consumers Union Consumer Reports InsuranceJournal National Underwriter ThinkAdvisor 1982 05 – Compute: The Journal of Progressive Computing – 196p   2008 1123 – The New Yorker – Anatomy of a Meltdown: Ben Bernanke and the financial crisis, By John Cassidy 2009 0914 – The New Yorker – Eight Days the…

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MCAS – Market Conduct Annual Statement – NAIC Market Conduct Annual Statement Life & Annuities Data Call & Definitions Cash Value Product – A life insurance policy that generates a cash value element. Term life policies with cash value are considered cash value products. Lawsuits Closed During the Period with Consideration for the Consumer—A lawsuit…

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Current Events Primerica Always Marco – Primerica 2023 – LC – Primerica vs Marco Moukhaiber – Always Marco  —  [BonkNote] [Primerica – The Bear Cave Report – [BonkNote]]  2024 0418 – Report – The Bear Cave – Problems at Primerica (PRI), by Edwin Dorsey – [link] GSPartners v behindmlm  FSRA – Ontario, Canada  DOL – Fiduciary FSOC FSOC – Docket…

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Aetna 1973 – LC – Gruenberg v. Aetna Ins. Co 1979 0710 and 1017 – GOV (Senate) – FTC Study of Life Insurance Cost Disclosure, Howard Cannon (D-NV)  —  [BonkNote]  John H. Filer, Chairman of the Board, AETNA Life & Casualty 1979-1981 – LC – Aetna v Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner  —  [BonkNote] 1979 – LC…

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Liability Crisis 1986 0121 0122 – GOV (House) – The Liability Insurance Crisis [PDF-573p-GooglePlay] House – Committee on Public Works and Transportation – Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight  1987 0812, 0912, 0924, 1002 – GOV (House) – The Liability Insurance Crisis: Part 1 – [PDF-489p-GooglePlay] Part 2 – [PDF-403p-GooglePlay] House – Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs…

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Life Insurance Company Yield 1937 – AP – Analysis of the Yield of the Investments of a Selected Group of Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies: 1929-1936 – Thesis, Atlanta University – 55p (p14) – The extremely low yield on the real estate shows that most of it could not be disposed of at book value. The…

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Q: What Responsibilities Do Actuaries Have? The work of science is to substitute facts for appearances and demonstrations for impressions.   – Ruskin long-standing motto of the Society of Actuaries The quote is from Mr. John Ruskin’s book, The Stone of Venice, Volume 3, page 36. 2012 – SOA – Substitute One Mis-impression, Society of Actuaries…

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