Northwestern Mutual Stephen H. Frankel Dale R. Gustafson John Keller William Koenig  James Reiskytl William M. Snell We believe current illustrated rates are much higher than what is reasonably expected over the course of the policy and may lead to consumer disappointment, which could negatively impact the entire industry. —  Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New…

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Tenneco 1982 1104 – SEC News Digest (Issue 82-213) (S-3,) –  TENNECO INC., Tenneco Bldg., Houston, TX 77002 (713) 757-2131 $200 million of debt securities. The major businesses of the company are oil exploration and production; processing and marketing of oil and chemicals, natural gas pipelines; manufacturing, and life insurance. (File 2-80117 -Nov. 2) (Br.…

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FRB – Federal Reserve Board – Snippets 2003 0729 – FCIC – Letter – From FRBNY Frank P Sabato to Michelle Sims, Re report conducted by examiners for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York – 40p Some annuity products. however, contain benefit guarantees for which reserving practices are not well established. 5. A general…

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Merrill Lynch LTCM – Long Term Capital Management Monarch Money Market Funds CDO’s – 2008 2010 0304 – FCIC – Notes from Michael Lewis Interview on the topic of the Origins of CDOs markets in Nonbanks – 1p The Merrill Lynch CDO machine was bigger, and produced CDOs of vastly inferior quality, to those of the…

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Secretary of the Treasury – DOTT 1981-1985 – Donald Regan (New Jersey-Republican) 1946-1980 – Merrill Lynch 1971-1980 – Chairman and CEO 1981-1985 – January 22, 1981 February 1, 1985 – Secretary of the Treasury  1985-1987 – White House Chief of Staff  1985-1988 – James Baker (Texas-Republican) 1975-1976 – Under Secretary of Commerce, August 2, 1975 –…

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SOA – Presidents SOA – Past Presidents – [link-soa] Address of the President Address of the President 1964 – SOA – Andrew C. Webster – Address of the President – 7p The President has the privilege of addressing the members on subjects of his own choosing. I would like to report on major items in…

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SOA – Society of Actuaries – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ# C Cowman Index to Actuarial Literature – 1889-1989 – SOA, Society of Actuaries Back to top D Dynamic Financial Condition Analysis Handbook – SOA – Society of Actuaries Dynamic Solvency Testing – DST Back to top E Elephants Back to top M Mismatch Life Back to top…

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TILI – Truth In Life Insurance 1973 / 1974 – GOV (Senate) – The Life Insurance Industry – Philip Hart  (D-MI) – 4 Parts  —  [BonkNote] SOA – Committee on Truth in Life Insurance of the Society of Actuaries  Bartley Munson, Chairman Stanley Durose, NAIC, Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner 1981 0319 -The Galveston Daily News – Direct…

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Government Hearings – 2000 2000 0210 – GOV (Senate) – President’s Working Group Report of OTC Derivatives—CEA Re-Authorization, Richard Lugar (R-IN) [PDF-162p, VIDEO-?] Senate – Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 2000 0720 – GOV (House) – Improving Insurance for Consumers—Increasing Uniformity and Efficiency in Insurance Regulation, Michael G. Oxley (R-OH) [PDF-47p, VIDEO-?] House -…

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