ACLI – Documents SEC – REG BI –  Year-? – ACLI – Analysis of ACLI Board Principles Against the SEC Best Interest Standard of Care Proposals – 5p 2007 1213 – Letter – ACLI – Submission in response to the RAND Study on Broker Dealer and Investment Advisory Issues – 13p 2010 0830 – Letter -…

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Life Insurance Industry Challenges The life insurance industry is currently facing challenges in many fronts. These challenges, if not properly met, could easily lead to financial problems for many companies. Within the last decade, life insurance companies have increased their sales of products that are sensitive to the interest rate environment. Examples of such products…

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Alan Frost – AIG AIGFP, Sales / Marketing 2010-05-11 FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Alan Frost, American International Group, Inc. (Part 1).mp3 2010-05-11 FCIC staff audiotape of interview with Alan Frost, American International Group, Inc. (Part 2).mp3 I didn’t realize that our threshold for rating on sub prime was single A (l thought it…

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AIG – 61 Billion She explained that most of the money drawn from the facility went to securities lending counterparties.  Dixie asked how much money was drawn from the facility between September 16 and November 10 when the Maiden Lane transactions were announced. Ms. Dahlgren said “north of $60 billion, but I’d have to verify…

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Q: AIG – What Happened The Week of September 16, 2008? 2008 0916 – AIG Board of Directors Minutes – <All of It> – 24p  (p2-3) – Mr. Willumstad next brought the Board up to date on recent collateral calls and reported that: …the Corporation’s guaranteed commercial paper did not roll. …the securities lending program…

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COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – People The panel consisted of five outside experts appointed as follows: Richard H. Neiman (43rd Superintendent of Banks of New York,) –  chosen by the Speaker of the House (Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) selected Richard H. Neiman on November 14, 2008) Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) – chosen by the minority leader of the House…

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1873 – Book – Politics and Mysteries of Life Insurance – Elizur Wright 1873 – Book – Politics and Mysteries of Life Insurance, by Elizur Wright  – 265p  —  [BonkNote]  —  [GooglePlay-link] [Bonk[ – <SIV> – “Self Insurance Value” / <CIV> – “Company Insurance Value” “insured by company” – Charts (p12)  – Consequently, the insurance done by …the…

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WishList – Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ A Academic Papers – WishList ACLI – WishList Actuarial – WishList AIG – American International Group – WishList Back to top B Best’s Review – WishList Back to top C COP – Congressional Oversight Panel – WishList Back to top F FCIC – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission – WishList FRB –…

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NAIC – Life Insurance Info – Add NAIC Be Sure You Can Afford the Premium Payments Before purchasing a life insurance policy, be sure that you can afford the cost. Can you afford the initial premium? If the premium increases later, will you still be able to afford it? Legal Cases Blumenthal v New York…

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