1940s – SOA – Society of Actuaries 1949 – SOA – Report of the Committee on Mortality Under Ordinary Insurances and Annuities, Society of Actuaries – 12p 1949 – SOA – Term Conversion Option, Elgin G. Fassel, Society of Actuaries – 42p 1949 – SOA – Some Actuarial Observations on Agency Management Problems, by Charles…

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Government Hearings – 1940s Verbatim Record of the Proceedings google.com https://books.google.com › books United States. Temporary National Economic Committee · 1940 · ‎Corporations … Life Insurance Co. 193-194 , 201 , 213 American Bank , Port Clinton , Ohio … Hercules Life Insurance Co. , Chi- ….. cago Home Life Insurance Co. , Little ……

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Reasonable Reasonable Assumptions Reasonable Expectations Reasonable Person The number one perceived problem is that buyers simply do not understand the nonguaranteed nature of life insurance illustrations. Also, it is impossible for the average buyer to judge the reasonableness of the assumptions underlying the numbers in the illustration.  —  John W. Keller, Northwestern Mutual 1991 – SOA…

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PE – Private Equity 2022 0908 – GOV (Senate) – Current Issues in Insurance, Sherrod Brown (D-OH)  —  [BonkNote] NAIC – CIPR – Private Equity – [link] https://content.naic.org/sites/default/files/capital-markets-special-reports-PE-owned-YE2021.pdf 2024 0104 – WSJ – Private Equity’s Move Into Insurance Provokes Systemic-Risk Concerns: Private equity’s ties to insurers were already criticized for posing risks to policyholders’ nest eggs. Now the…

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Implausible Scenario – Metlife – FSOC 2015 0626 – 15-cv-45 – NAIC – Document 43 – NAIC – Consent Motion of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners for Leave to File Brief as Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiff Metlife. – 32p 2014 12 – re: FSOC SIFI Designation of MetLife, Woodall / Hamm – Views of the…

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California Life Life Insurance Company of California, C.L. Financial, California Life – California Life Insurance Company, California Life Corporation, EF Hutton, E. F. Hutton Life Insurance Co., Hutton Life, First Capital, American Express and Shearson, Pacific Corinthian Life Insurance Company, Pacific Life Insurance  Life Insurance Company of California was formed in 1963 as a wholly…

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Kentucky Jim Bunning (R-KY) 1987-1999 – US House  1999-2010 – US Senate  Roy Woodall

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LTCM – Long Term Capital Management 1998 1001 (Part 1) – GOV (House) – Risks of Hedge Fund Operations – Hedge Fund Operations Risks – Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) – Jim Leach (R-IA) [PDF-333p-GooglePlay, VIDEO-CSPAN-Part 1-04:32:15] ->not on govinfo.gov Greenspan, Leach, Frank, Kanjorski, FRB-NY – William J. McDonough – President, Federal Reserve Bank of New…

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Jim Leach Jim Leach (R-IA) 1977-2007 – US House 1995-2001 – Chair – House Financial Services Committee – January 4, 1995 – January 3, 2001 GLBA-Gramm–Leach–Bliley-Act 1985 0911 – GOV (House) – The South Dakota Loophole, Jim Leach (R-IA) House – Committee on Banking, Financial and Urban Affairs – Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation…

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Non-Guaranteed Cost Element – ACLI A couple of ACLI groups have also been studying various aspects of universal life insurance. The Council’s Subcommittee on Cost Comparisons has proposed that cost disclosure requirements for universal life plans be generally similar to those for traditional life insuranceplans as provided by the NAIC Model Life Insurance Solicitation Regulation.…

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