Monetary Policy 1968 0508/0509/0515/0516 – GOV (JEC) – Standards For Guiding Monetary Action. William Proxmire (D-WI) – [PDF-319p] Joint Economic Committee Statement of Orson H. Hart, Vice President and Director of Economic Research, New York Life Insurance Co. – (p171- (p172) – I will offer a few comments later on the relation of fiscal to…

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2022 – NAIC LIAC Committee   Ohio – Chair Tennessee – Vice Chair Judith L. French Carter Lawrence Alabama American Samoa District of Columbia Hawaii Iowa Kansas Louisiana Nevada New Jersey New York Texas Virginia Wisconsin Mark Fowler Peni ltula Sapini Teo Karima M. Woods Colin M. Hayashida Doug Ommen Vicki Schmidt James J.…

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Williams v. National Western Life Insurance  – LC – Barney Thomas Williams v Victor S. Pantaleoni – 17CV03462 39 Results – 39 results LC – Barney Thomas Williams v Victor S. Pantaleoni – Complaint for Damages – 45p – LC – Williams v. National Western Life Insurance Co. Supreme Court Case – No. S269978…

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Lutheran Brotherhood In re Lutheran Brotherhood Variable Insurance Products Company Sales Practices Litigation – CASE 0:99-md-01309-PAM Document 489 – Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law – 43p

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Knox v Anderson 1958 – Knox v Anderson , Hawaii Knox v. Anderson, 297 F2d 702 (CA-9 Hawaii 1961, cert. denied 270 U.S. 915 (1962} is frequently cited as the landmark case in the field of agent liability. The action brought in Knox was principally founded in the tort of deceit due to the agent’s…

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2010 Conference on Financial Regulations Bill -CSPAN[]=36 Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (July 21, 2010) JUNE 10, 2010 – Financial Industry Regulation Reform Legislation – Immediately following a conference committee meeting to resolve differences between House and Senate versions of financial reform legislation, Senator Dodd and Representative Frank spoke to… JUNE 10,…

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ABX 2021 – IHS Markit ABX.HE Index Rules – 11p

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Long-Term Care Insurance 1991 0531 – GOV – HHS – ASPE – Report – The Federal Role in Consumer Protection and Regulation of Long-Term Care Insurance –  90p (p16) – 19 Consumer Reports, “Gotcha! The Traps in Long Term Care Insurance,” June, 1991, p. 427. After, listening to fourteen sales presentations for long term…

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MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2011 – AP- The Market for Borrowing Corporate Bonds, MIT – 63p 4 See Weiss, “AIG to Absorb $5 Billion Loss on Securities Lending,” Bloomberg News, June 27, 2008 – [link-BonkNote] Karmin and Scism, “Securities-Lending Sector Feels Credit Squeeze,” Wall Street Journal, October 30, 2008. <WishList>

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