Washington Charles D. Oliver Cease and Desist, Fine, Doug Andrew – Missed Opportunity Sales Concept – Washington State Blog – CFLID – Lawsuit  – LC – 13-0108 insurance.wa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/13-0108-order-terminating.pdf – LC – 14-0229 insurance.wa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/14-0229-notice-hearing.pdf Rod Chandler – (R-WA) – House (1983-1993) David Rogers Chief Deputy, Office of the Insurance Commissioner 1992 0428 / 0505 – GOV (Senate) -…

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Elizabeth F. Brown Georgia State University 2009 – LR – The Development of International Norms for Insurance Regulation, Elizabeth F. Brown – 46p 2013 – LR – Will the Federal Insurance Office Improve Insurance Regulation? – Elizabeth F. Brown – 51p 2015 – Prior Proposals to Consolidate Federal Financial Regulators, prepared for the Volcker Alliance,…

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Assumption Reinsurance Life and health insurers have greater opportunity to transfer a set of policies from one company to another, using a transaction known as “assumption reinsurance” (a confusing term for what amounts to the sale of a block of policies with the “consent”—sometimes constructive—of each policyholder).105 2021 – LR – Uncertainty > Risk: Lessons for…

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