2022 – IAIS – Public consultation on draft criteria that will be used to assess whether the Aggregation Method provides comparable outcomes to the Insurance Capital Standard 2022 – IAIS –  Public consultation on draft criteria that will be used to assess whether the Aggregation Method provides comparable outcomes to the Insurance Capital Standard  —…

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AIG – CDS – Credit Default Swaps AIGFP Bolted As you can see from this slide, AIGFP has very large notional amounts of exposure related to its Super Senior credit derivative portfolio. But because this business is carefully underwritten and structured with very high attachment points to the multiples of expected losses, we believe the…

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McClatchy <WishList> – A McClatchy analysis of the finances of 20 of AIG’s larger insurance subsidiaries at the time has found a much bleaker picture, however: 2010 0609 – therealnews.com – Did Bush Officials Hide Depths of AIG Problems?, by Greg Gordon – [link] 2010 0610 – COP – Report – The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and…

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RStreet 2013 0612 – RStreet – The Myopia of Insurance Regulation, by R. .J. Lehmann – [link]

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Damon Silvers – (COP Member / Policy Director for the AFL-CIO)  It seems to me that you’re covering for something. (p43) —  Damon SILVERS, COP Member / Policy Director for the AFL-CIO 2010 1216 – COP – Hearing – Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Congressional Oversight Panel – [PDF-88p, VIDEO-CSPAN] 2010 0526 – COP – Hearing – TARP…

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Q: Guaranty Fund – Who Pays? Ultimately the public pays for everything. —   Eden Safarty  (President / NOLHGA – National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations):   1991 0227, 0507, 0509, 0523 – GOV (Senate) – Insurance Company Solvency, aka Insurance Company Insolvencies – [PDF-369p-GooglePlay] ->Not on govinfo.gov – 0509-VIDEO-CSPAN]  (p186) – Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH).…

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Banks – Risks Response to questions from the Honorable Sherrod Brown, by Martin .J. Gruenberg, Acting Chairman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation During the June 6111 hearing, Mr. Gruenberg agreed that “historically, including to the present day, the biggest risk of banking is the lending activity that is inherent to the banking process.”  (p148) 2014 -…

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Runoff The insurance usage of “runoff” can be traced back at least as far as the 17th century marine insurance market at Lloyd’s coffee shop. 2021 – LR – Uncertainty > Risk: Lessons for Legal Thought from the Insurance Runoff Market, Tom Baker – 51p While a company may be able to minimize and finalize its…

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Criminology 2007 01 – Criminological Highlights, Volume 8, Number 4 – 12p This issue of Criminological Highlights addresses the following questions: 3. Would you buy life insurance after reading this paper? 2006 – AP -The Institutionalization of Deceptive Sales in Life Insurance. Richard V. Ericson and Aaron Doyle, British Journal of Criminology, 46, 993-1010., 

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Reuters 2008 0627 – Reuters – AIG To Lose Up To $5 Billion From Investments: Report – [link] 2008 0627 – Bloomberg – AIG to Absorb $5 Billion Loss on Securities Lending: Insurance Units Wrote Down $13B Tied To Mortgages, by Miles Weiss – [link-BonkNote] 2008 0916 – Reuters – Worried Singaporeans Rush to Redeem AIG Policies – [link] 2008 0916…

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