SVO – Securities Valuation Office – NAIC Senator Ben NELSON (D-NE). Would you do this in the same way, let us say, that the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, which I used to head in a previous life, the way they do it through the Securities Valuation Office in New York that is part of…

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Consumer Understanding James Hunt (National Insurance Consumer Organization) stated that in his experience most people are very confused about the coverage they have. Mr. Morgan (Ohio) stated that his experience was that consumers did not understand what they had purchased. He said there should be an understandable way of saying that the company is guessing…

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Guessing The actuary cannot and should not attempt to estimate or predict the future. This would reduce actuarial work to guessing. ⇒  What then are actuarial assumptions? 1998 01 – SOA – Actuarial Futures – Actuarial Assumptions and the Future, by W. Harold Phillips, Society of Actuaries – 4p (p3) – Companies say: After 5…

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Fannie Mae 2012 – Book – The Fateful History of Fannie Mae: New Deal Birth to Mortgage Crisis Fall, by James R. Hagerty 2012 1023 – CSPAN BookTV- The Fateful History of Fannie Mae –  James Hagerty of the Wall Street Journal talked about his book, The Fateful History of Fannie Mae: New Deal Birth…

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Macro-Pricing 1999 – SOA – Macro Pricing: A Comprehensive Product Development Process, Shane Chalke, Society of Actuaries – 52p

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Irreplaceable Life – Executive Life RALPH H. GOEBEL: We have an irreplaceable life type product that on the surface is a straight ordinary life policy. You can also look at it as a type of Universal Life product where the fixed premium builds up at a relatively high interest rate such as ten percent. Charges…

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Universal Life is not Permanent Jesse M. Schwartz: Why are people so reluctant to call Total Life permanent insurance? Myron H. Margolin: Universal Life type products are, I suppose, permanent. It is a semantic question whether they are permanent life or not, but clearly they are not the traditional cash value products as we have…

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NAILBA – National Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies 2010 – NAILBA – Brokerage Desk Reference – 179p 2018 – NAILBA – Field Underwriting Guide Version 4.0 – 266p (p40) – Adjustable Life Insurance—An adjustable life insurance product contains all the usual features of traditional cash value insurance with the added flexibility…

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